Danger: a clear and present enemy

Danger: a clear and present enemy … “When it comes to our prosperity, our freedom tradition, and our constitutional government, President Barack Obama has been the great destroyer – knocking down the free-market economy and principles of limited government that have made America the envy of the world. In the pages that follow, I chronicle…

DJT battling RINOs & other leftists

DJT battling RINOs & other leftists … Way back when, a hundred or more years ago, one Antonio Gramsci laid out a strategy for destroying Christianity and Western culture by conducting, in an orderly fashion, a “long march through the institutions” – where Marxists would infiltrate the schools, the media, the churches, the labor unions,…

When in the course of human event

“By Divine instinct men’s minds mistrust ensuing danger.” ~ Richard III, Shakespeare More and more over the decades, this nation has allowed itself to become Biblically ignorant. Most people under 40 don’t even “get” the language and references Lincoln used, though ALL Americans at the time would have done so immediately. Think the effort to…