Voter fraud bids farewell valid votes

The perfect scam artistes hollow out every election stolen, and if you want to audit, you are attacked and even if you get to audit, it’s months later with such vilification that no one gives a flying hoot anymore. DemoMarxocrats never really have an urge to audit, the reason being that they commit massive fraud…

Clinton*Bush*Obama ‘woke cartel’

When the Bush family began its political involvement, America was a united, powerful nation, dominated by traditionalists, one that would be recognizable to our Founders and filled with optimism. After three generations of Bushes, however, America has morphed into a collection of warring factions, every institution taken over by anti-American activists, its people awaiting its…

Newsom gruesome Pelosi steal, etal

As somewhat predictable, a ton of people have fallen off “Train California”. Those in the ditch are being left to die, or given the means to off themselves. It’s a slow and inhumane way to let a despised population kill themselves. Cheap housing for the illegal replacements will come from bankrupting landlords and buying up…

Stinging Lamestream lies for Biden

There’s enough nastiness emanating within/from the demented village idiot – to say nothing of his equally-impassioned brain-dead invocation of absolute stupidity (anyone remember Peter Sellers in the brilliant “Being There” ?!) – to pronounce him a truly serious and present danger to civilized society and for his placement under lock and key for the remainder…

More Fauci corona-con: evil as it is

Lying before Congress has become a badge of honor for liberals and unelected bureaucrats who testify before the distinguished crooks who make up our Congress. Just remember though, they’re forever protecting each other. Recent notables that lied with impunity before Congress and got big book deals, would be James Clapper and James Comey plus a…

Jan 6 as just another non-sequitur..

Dig deep enough and long enough under any circumstance and you’re sure to come across gems like: “Reuters recently reported that John Pierce, a defense lawyer representing 17 defendants in the January 6 prosecutions, has disappeared.” Which appears to suggest that every once in a while misinformation tips its hand with something so unbelievable that…

Afghan surrender a pentagon fiasco

While incompetence is clearly on display in more ways than one can count, the mistakes made in the Afghanistan withdrawal are at a level that suggests intentionality, not mere incompetence. Same with the ongoing border crisis. They’re not symptoms, but features, to which Newt Gingrich (coming up) makes detailed reference. Karl Marx remember, wrote a…

Survival alert keep under lock & key

June 10, 2013: “The President has put in place an organization with the kind of database that no one has ever seen before in life,” Representative Maxine Waters told Roland Martin on Monday. “That’s going to be very, very powerful,” Waters said. “That database will have information about everything on every individual on ways that…