Only the Babylon Bee, do not panic

WASHINGTON, D.C. — With the rumor mill still churning despite the Secret Service closing its investigation, President Joe Biden blamed the presence of cocaine in the West Wing of the White House on a black man who used to live there. “One of those suspicious colored fellas used to live here,” Biden said to reporters…

One pence for bye-bye-birdie Mike

Lydia from comments thread: The sanctimonious Pence is being used as a weapon against Trump. “Look, look, even Trump’s VP is against him! Orange Man Bad!!” That’s his only role since he has no chance of being nominated or winning. It appears that Pence was always a rat in the woodpile. It’s a good reminder…

Foul-mouth yelling from old FJB

Jeff Bargholz right on topic here: The Alzheimer’s society is dead on right. Intemperate angry outbursts are definitely a symptom of the disease, along with stupid rambling speech and physical frailty. Jerkoff Joe can barely walk and talk and he has angry outbursts regularly. And yes, he has Alzheimer’s disease, not some other form of…

What’s with ‘scholar’ Jill Biden?

Jeffry Rogers, from comments thread: Jill is nothing more than a social climber, who latched on to FJBiden as a better bet than a bar owner. She may have latched on even before FJBiden’s wife died, needing to be recognized as a “storied” up-and-comer. Knowing folks with PHD’s who only use the honorific inside the…

Sozzled-looking Biden up in flames!

Like it, lump it, believe it or not, but FJBiden is more than likely being administered psychotropic drugs that allow him to walk and cobble-together simple-structured sentences one at a time. Consider for example, there were supposedly 60,000 government jobs created based on the June jobs report out of 209,000 jobs, which is ridiculous. More…

Reality as core of America’s malaise

Lydia the great from comments thread: Most of the Protestant pastors in the US belong to denominations that have become Woke. They aren’t going to lead anyone anywhere, except the abyss. Like the Archbishop of Canterbury, most eschew the idea of God the Father. We must think of God as a gender-less “It.” Some now…

Cocaine collaboration consequence

Two things hanging around in the “you gotta be kidding” closet which (surely?) everyone to some degree know for sure. First, you would need to be an illiterate illegal alien from an illiterate country with an average IQ of around 75 to come up with such a ridiculous cover story as this. Secondly, only a…

Oh what a tangled web we weave….

Well, well, well, what a “surprise” eh? (not!) – Dhillon is the sort of insidious evil one that fearless President Trump has to contend with, the swamp after all, having infected its fair share of debauchery. Dhillon or McDaniel it doesn’t matter, their faces after all, having become somewhat interchangeable. One has simply to think…

An eternally-God founded nation….

Yours truly has always been struck by the fact that John Adams (2nd president) and Thomas Jefferson (3rd president) both died on the 50th anniversary of the Declaration, on July 4, 1826, following which James Madison (4th president) died June 28, 1836, a few days shy of the 60th anniversary. James Monroe (5th president) died…