demoMarxocrats in full view coup… Flashback 4/19 2021

demoMarxocrats in full view coup … We the (80 million+) People are beating around the bush when we need to be dealing more with reality. America was taken down from within through criminal subversion on November 3rd / 4th, 2020 during which time we experienced a communist coup. Go back and remember that prior to…

Neverending masking of humanity?

Neverending masking of humanity? … COVID flu vaccines are virus theater, magical smoke and mirrors, just like the TSA is security theater. The current rogue government has embarked on all manner of training, conditioning and indoctrinating exercises for the purpose of causing automatic compliance and submission of the population. One of the boldest lies is…

Govt throwaway thuggery, thievery

Govt throwaway thuggery, thievery … Perhaps it wasn’t until the philosophical innovations of Rousseau that criminality became divorced from self-interest and therefore no longer subject to the kind of civility, logic and virtue you see in “The Godfather”. There’s something fundamentally admirable, even profoundly virtuous, about the old-school mafioso with his strict code of traditional…

Bidin’ time under COVID face mask

Bidin’ time under COVID face mask … “Inalienable rights” is a concept the leftist demoMarxocrats totally reject. It isn’t that they “know so much that just ain’t so” as Reagan said, but that they impose their beliefs without any restraint right up to mass jailings (and execution) if they have the power. In March 2020…

‘C’mon man’ aka con man, fakes out

‘C’mon man’ aka con man, fakes out – Joe Biden has never been anything more than a laborious lightweight back bencher in the Senate. Long, long before the 2016 demoMarxocrat primary he had never, ever won an election outside his tiny state of Delaware. He was in those days however, an excellent speaker with crisp…

Village idiot running the henhouse..

Village idiot running the henhouse … After more than a year of living under illegal edicts issued by rogue governors around the country exercising “temporary powers,” most American citizens seem insistent on still wearing silly submission sacks covering their faces. Mandatory Mao masks used to be emblematic of the Chinese people, not the symbol of…