Brexit exit moles augur Trump visit

When Theresa May declared the Brexit exit as “Brexit means Brexit” after she took over from Cameron, millions took her at her word. Unfortunately since then she has capitulated to the EU Cabal and her leadership has become a complete mess. The fact she consulted Angela Merkel on the Brexit exit first, says it all;…

Londonistan done gone Trump nuts

As a born-and-raised Brit having had Canadian citizenship for 15 years, before morphing into the proverbial ‘he’s as American as apple pie’ for the past 35 years (combo of Green Card to eventual full citizenship – LEGALLY! – sorry I have to shout it) and having just returned from a two and a half year…

Singapore summit solidarity soars…

Let me begin this historic day for news releases with the conclusion of the matter, rather than the build up to it. Basically, because of the various time zones between the United States and Singapore, everything had already happened while the nation was sleeping. Save for the ‘news night-hounds’ that is, following Singapore events throughout…

British Britain needs reviving ASAP

Being, as I have, ensconced in my native Britain for the past couple of years on an extended stay, it has been a real eye-opener as to how easily swayed the general population mix can be as it relates to a ‘British’ Britain, an ‘all things but British’ Britain, and an out and out ‘nothing…

Saudi Arabia clean up long overdue

Muhammad bin Salman is trying to clean up the House of Saud and is closely aligned with POTUS Trump. Just another unreported front in the MAGA battle. Over the past decades the DC swamp got enriched with Saudi oil cash, from the lobbyists slippery fingers to the Uniparty politicians’ hands, plus all those offshore secret…

Solar Cycle reveals dramatic flares..

It only takes a Richard Branson or CNNs Jim Acosta to ingratiate themselves into putting two and two together and coming up with five by funelling their questions/concerns into global warming/climate change causing these destructive hurricanes. To use a bit of sarcasm, let me go with “all the obvious evidence points to global warming/climate change…

Farewell to the French experiment..

Not surprisingly, the French have once again proven the truth of Mark Twain’s observation that “God created man a little lower than the angels, and a little higher than the French”, albeit not all Frenchman should be included in that – since a few are indeed worthy folk – but in this election enough have…

No military motive in Syria strike?

“It’s not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what’s required.” ~ Sir Winston Churchill In one way, it’s smart to not overstate the military impact that the Syrian strike can have, which is limited. But the main goal is not military in nature. It’s to send a message about US…

Insane Obama/Kerry face-slap God

Watching an insane Kerry pontificate on anything about his ‘exhaustive work’ with the distraction of his tongue continually flicking in and out of his mouth snake-like, is absolutely unnerving. A final insult to Israel orchestrated by the insane Brothers of Muz that have shamefully infiltrated the highest levels of United States government since Obama was elevated eight years ago. Imagine…

UN far from anything but “United”

“The UN General Assembly last year passed 20 resolutions against the democratic state of Israel, and a grand total of three resolutions against all the other countries on the planet .. And what about the joke called the Human Rights Council, which every year condemns Israel more than all the countries of the world combined?!…