Charles so wrong on Muhammad…

In a jaw-dropping Christmas message this past week, Prince Charles, first in line to the throne of England (or ‘United Kingdom’ as it is now) was the voice-piece of a propaganda video on the BBC in which he attempted to turn Christmas and Christianity into a need to accept more Muslim migrants. But what he says…

Castro brothers scourge of Freedom

Fidel Castro was an adversary of the devil, pure and simple. More’s the pity that Batista (no guardian angel of freedom himself) released him from his 15-year jail sentence as a measure of a “peace appeasement” for the good of the Cuban populace. The world (and surely the Cuban people) would have been much better…

Reagan, Maggie, Donald & Theresa

Once in a blue moon, an unexpected leader shows on the far horizon, sometimes discursive, showing traits of limited study, only to win the day with a revelation of persuasion, inspiration and consensus. Churchill, Truman, Eisenhower, Reagan, Thatcher and now Trump. As I expressed in my piece yesterday, Trump stood up against the onslaught of the Dems, the MSM…

United Nations:Bastion Of Racists..

If you’re one of those people that points to the dozens of United Nations resolutions that have repeatedly condemned Israel as though it were evidence of wrongdoing,  let me point you in the direction of a few truths. The United Nations exists today as an embarrassment to itself, a disgrace to humanity, and a parody of…

Matt Drudge Changing The World…

Like him or lump him, but you can’t ignore him. And that would be the elusive Matt Drudge who famously goes about his business very much undercover and generally in disguise. And no wonder, considering the impact he has had on breaking news stories from around the globe. Ever since he burst on the scene…

Freedom USA – Brexit & Trumpit…

As I mentioned on my Facebook page yesterday, another gem from the BREXIT files, this time from Nigel Farage, current leader of UKIP and 17-year veteran MEP, who stood toe-to-toe with the entire assembly in Brussels yesterday (and nobody has seen a full assembly of this “parliament” since its inception) and gave them a right old-fashioned…

Britain, Brexit & Global Influence…

Speaking from the newly independent Britain, the real fight over Brexit is only just beginning. The battle has been waged to recapture the soul of British ideological bastions of parties and press from those same elites who also dwell within the bowels of the United States’ so-called media and into the very halls of Congress and…

BREXIT Triumphant 52% To 48%..

Musing in no particular order over the fantastic result of Britain getting back its sovereignty overnight with a 52%-48% margin in the Brexit exercise for freedom… Cameron does the right and noble thing – Memo to Obama the Clown Prince of Fools … THIS is how TRUE leaders act, with honesty, truth, and decorum –…

Bumbler Barack Buries Himself…

Coming up – Two puppets for The New World Order. I’ve been telling you for years now, that these two stick-heads are the epitome` of corrupt government action, and that Obama the Clown Prince of Fools is the half-white version of Cameron the Chameleon. Think Panama/Hawaii/Dubai(?) offshore “investments” that these two reprobates have been involved in. These guys…