Scattershooting To Learn From The Past : Gems Of Wisdom

Scattershooting to learn from the past … Andrew Klavan is spot on. Liberals are too stupid to “get it” so when a liberati comments forgive them for their ignorance. Liberal-leftist-progressive-Alinskyite-DemoMarxists live in a perpetual state of victimization. They have suggestions, but contrary to the liberal mantra of “there is no such thing as a dumb…

Barney Carney President Dumb

Yes, John McCain was pictured with Libyan rebels who are now part of ISIS/ISIL, so “facts are stubborn things” belongs on both sides of the issue. More to the point with Barney-Carney-Circus-Clown landing a multi-million-dollar gig at CNN has more to do with the ongoing clubby atmosphere between surrogates of the rogue fraud “president” and the…

Out Of The Mouths Of Infants And Babes…

Billy Graham, in his daily devotional book from 1965 titled “Day by Day” writes this for January 27th: “There is always the exceptional child, but the average tells us that the child is largely what the home has made him.”  So in these few minutes we take a look at what passes today for these two…

The Lie Or Not The Lie? THAT Is The Question…

Glenn Fairman, regular contributor to American Thinker and one of the few “prickers of conscience” that I am aware of, brings up the subject that is so, so familiar these days in a society that has more than lost its biblical, moral, and societal moorings. In a nutshell, the topic at hand is “to prevaricate…

Barney-Carney-Circus-Clown : Liar Par Excellence

In a personal letter to Peter Carr on August 19th, 1785, Thomas Jefferson opined: “It is of great importance to set a resolution, not to be shaken, never to tell an untruth. There is no vice so mean, so pitiful, so contemptible; and he who permits himself to tell a lie once, finds it much easier to do it…

Resigned To The Fact : The Sinking Ship Obama

Of late, I and many of the people I talk to, have become resigned to the fact that America currently has the government it deserves. Abandoning its moral plumb-line and having lost its spiritual compass, American national and local debates are, generally speaking, a social and moral travesty. As I have opined on many other occasions,…

A Rose Garden Soliloquy : 6 Million Unmentionables

A Rose Garden soliloquy indeed. Yesterday was another sad day in the life of America, when we had yet more revelations of the lying nature of “the man who would be king.” Not satisfied with screwing up foreign policy with the entire block of remaining allies around the globe, and appeasing the enemies who wish…

Joseph Goebbels : A White House Redux…

In 1933, the year Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, he named Joseph Goebbels, his trusted friend and colleague, to the key post of minister for public enlightenment and propaganda. In this capacity, Goebbels was charged with presenting Hitler to the public in the most favorable light, regulating the content of all German media and…