A Rose Garden soliloquy indeed. Yesterday was another sad day in the life of America, when we had yet more revelations of the lying nature of “the man who would be king.” Not satisfied with screwing up foreign policy with the entire block of remaining allies around the globe, and appeasing the enemies who wish to destroy us, the liar-in-thief had to stage yet another Rose Garden Charade populated with Sycophantic Love-in members of the Congressional Black Caucus, and other fawning liberal-Dems on the “success” of the on-again-off-again-Obamacare-not-Obamacare-it’s-private-insurance-no-it’s-Obamacare-keep-your-doctor-debacle. As Charles Krauthammer opined in an instant classic quote: “These guys go six months without any idea what the numbers are, and all of a sudden it’s to a decimal point.”
Hilton Kramer, the dearly-departed former NYT art critic and general political curmudgeon, could well have been describing the Alinskyite Marxist occupant of the highest office on the planet when he wrote: It is in the nature of Stalinism for its adherents to make a certain kind of lying – and not only to others, but first of all to themselves – a fundamental part of their lives. It is always a mistake to assume that Stalinists do not know the truth about the political reality they espouse. If they don’t know the truth (or all of it) one day, they know it the next, and it makes absolutely no difference to them politically. For their loyalty is to something other than the truth. And no historical enormity is so great, no personal humiliation or betrayal so extreme, no crime so heinous that it cannot be assimilated into the “ideals” that govern the true Stalinist mind which is impervious alike to documentary evidence and moral discrimination.
So, on the topic that Obama is anything but competent to head up a “community organizing group” never mind the office of president, and for more details on a Rose Garden soliloquy, we go to Bryan Preston and his piece in PJ Tatler…
Before getting to the speech itself, it’s worth noting a few things.
When the Democrats passed and Barack Obama signed Obamacare, the majority opposed it. About 56%, in fact. A majority have consistently opposed that law ever since.
The Obama administration touted 7 million sign-ups by March 31 as “success.” When that goal appeared to be unreachable, the administration suggested that maybe 5 or 6 million would be enough. Now, as if by magic, they have their number. Somehow.All along, the administration has touted false numbers of enrollees. All along, the administration has neglected to admit that Obamacare is causing millions of Americans to lose their insurance, as they were forced to admit that they knew it would.
A simple bit of math shows that even if there are 7 million legitimate sign-ups, there are between 5 and 6 million who lost their healthcare because of Obamacare. What’s the net number? How many of these have even paid their premiums? And how many of them are now facing steeper deductibles?
Premiums are not going down. Access has not been expanded. Provider networks are shrinking, reducing choice. These are all consequences of Obamacare. The president mentioned none of it.