John Kerry USA Enemy Emeritus…

John (“Genghis-Khan”) Kerry – which he always pronounced “jenjis” –  began his anti-American behavior in the 1960s, going on to meet with the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong delegation to the Paris Peace talks in May 1970. The following year in July 1971, he held a demonstration in Washington D.C. while he was still a…

Allen West & Presidential Acumen..

As a former Brit and coming from a country that always looked towards the US in times of war and looks towards the US today for a no bull policy towards terrorism, I have to say that as a resident since 1982, and a citizen since January 2012, the US is in the most disappointing diplomatic position…

Rogue Fraud “Pres” As Mad Hatter

Given the disdain with which Barack Barry Soetero Hussein Harrison J Bounel Obama (or whoever he is) continually throws into the path of We The People, it is not surprising that the rogue fraud “president” cannot remember what he never learned or comprehended in the first place. It becomes clearer by the day that for him,…

Barack Obama And His 50 Shades

Obama, in the way he’s negotiating with Iran, reminds me once again, of Neville Chamberlain and his negotiations with Germany over the Sudetenland. All that’s missing thus far is him getting off the plane, waving his piece of paper (well, actually, it’ll be Kerry’s stupid piece of paper, won’t it..). He’ll sing the agreement’s praises right up until…

Obama’s Obsession : Jarrett & Iran

Obama’s obsession : Jarrett & Iran. On the eve of Bibi Netanyahu’s address to Congress, I couldn’t resist bringing you this piece from today’s American Spectator. Ben Stein has been rather quiet lately, but he has emerged with a vengeance today, with fire in his belly even. If only we had half a dozen or more…

The Do Nothing Know Nothing President : Scary Times

Obama, a legend in his own mind. Words cannot express how devastating his so-called foreign policy is to the national security of America. It is truly stunning how delusional he is, including the likes of Hagel, Brennan, Kerry and the rest of the looney-toon tag team of inept idiots he has surrounded himself with. Not to mention…

Community Organizer Deal : If You Like Your Nukes You Can Keep Them…

In the words of former Ambassador to the UN John Bolton, the so-called “deal” announced from the White House is nothing more than “abject surrender by the United States.” And no wonder. The “deal” was struck by a Vietnam tail-between-his-legs Vet who was barely 16 weeks in action, threw his medals of “valor” over the…

Iranian Son-In-Law : Kerry Conflict Of Interest?

A reminder from the archives earlier this year: Huma Abedin, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff, privy to top secret information, has deep ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. Valerie Jarrett, chief advisor to Obama—some say the most powerful person in the White House, even more so than Obama—made it her first piece of…

Bibi Netanyahu: This Is A Very, Very, Bad Deal …

  “Israel is not obliged by this agreement and will do everything it needs to defend itself, to defend the security of its people,” he said in comments that strongly hinted at the possibility of military strikes on Iran’s nuclear installations, which Israel believes are being used to build an atomic bomb. Mr Netanyahu’s outspoken comments…