Tyre Nichols tragedy unwarranted

Lydia, from the comments thread: If the five black officers on the Scorpion unit had yanked a white man out of his vehicle, the whole episode would never have been reported. The propaganda media reports only on black victims. And they do so because it is another opportunity to promote social unrest. In addition, the…

Affirmation of fraudulent president

Maximus-Cassius from the thread: “This must stop or our Constitution will become as meaningless as the one in Communist China”. Well, yes it must stop. But it’s doubtful that Christopher Wray or William Burns or Merrick Garland will suddenly have an epiphany of conscience and smother their totalitarian impulses. Tyrants are usually brought to heel…

Return of Trump era Golden Age?

Maximus-Cassius from the thread: “As much as one is tempted to blame the “elites”—and they are truly contemptible—the American people share responsibility for failing to rebuke the yoke of this new world order. In the immediate days and weeks after the stolen election of 2020, I naively hoped that a brave and noble band of…

Making the world safe for autocracy

“Lydia” from the comments thread: The “Let them eat bugs” crowd was busy dining on steak and salmon in Davos. Meanwhile, they are taking steps to limit food production and sabotaging food processing plants–at least 99 to date. In addition, they continue to promote the clot shot, sterilization vaccines, abortions, and gender mutilation. How many…

Trump return needed pronto, asap!

With judges as with cabinet and other positions, fearless President Donald John Trump was fed poor material by RINO’s the likes of “Ditch-Mitch” McConnell and others, simultaneously watching and nodding as freeload demoMarxocrats took out anyone who actually tried to back President Trump’s conservative policies, with for example, the likes of Gen. Michael Flynn. Trump…

J6 bodycam footage needs releasing

To set the record straight, yours truly has always considered that January 6th was but one piece in a larger puzzle of treachery and corruption at the highest levels of the federal government. All that remains is for someone to put them all together. It didn’t take long for instance, after the Patriot Act granted…

FJBid’n time before deepstate drop

Seems to yours truly that the demoMarxocrat machine wants their FJBiden problem out of the way before 2024. When the NYT acknowledged the Hunter Biden laptop and its contents while reporting on a related investigation in March of 2022, it was a sign that the wind had begun to shift. One suspects they hope Ol’Joe…

FJB & shake rattle & roll outrage…..

A cut to the chase real early, like! … “After I was briefed about the discovery, I was surprised to learn that there were any government records that were taken to that office,” Biden claimed earlier this week. “But I don’t know what’s in the documents.” Mmmm. That explanation didn’t hold water earlier this week…

VDHanson and political hysteria…..

Right up front and personal it’s payback time. How do we know? Because elements of the “mainstream media” are now reporting a “sudden leak.” The Conqueror of Corn Pop (aka FJBiden) before he was installed as our “president,” had a tendency to “forget” that he left classified documents in Pennsylvania and elsewhere right where his…

A merry-go-round that never ends..

There is nothing new under the sun, except the history you haven’t read, being, as it is, that history personified isn’t kind, especially to those poor souls to whom Merry Go Rounds have always been the catapults of nausea – like it or lump it! President Donald John Trump’s election, which wasn’t supposed to happen,…