FJB long overdue Ukraine serenade

Hurtling at warp-speed towards the history of Russia/Ukraine/the former East Germany and on into NATO, courtesy of comments thread “Richard“: “Kimble gets the risk but not the cause. NATO is the aggressor, not Russia. The war didn’t start last February, it started when Bush 1 lied to Gorbachev that East Germany would be the last…

VDH: obsessive toxic racialist FJB

Lydia, from comments thread: It is interesting that black people put up with Biden’s racist comments. When he made his “you ain’t black” if you don’t vote for me comment to “Charlemagne tha’God“, there was no pushback. You have blacks in Georgia opposing a statue of Clarence Thomas and calling him an Uncle Tom because…

The sirens live on for ever and ever?

As our fearless President Trump himself has often said, “In reality, they’re not after me they’re after you. I’m just in the way.“ The State’s aim is not just decapitating the snake. It’s control over the army of followers. This is how totalitarianism works. Incapacitating one with the aim of neutralizing the millions. In reality,…

FJBiden and the state of disinterest

According to prime time research FJBiden’s SOTU was the least watched in 30 years, which isn’t surprising, since he reminds of the ranting, babbling, blathering old grandpa at the Christmas dinner table ranting and raging about one thing or another while he shovels mashed potatoes into his toothless mouth. He’s nothing but a useless irritant…

Victor Davis Hanson shellacs FJB

Gotta love, love, love, LAMan from the comments thread for this opener: FJB is a lifelong incompetent, serial plagiarist, compulsive liar, corruptionist, sexual abuser, and bully; now he’s senile and physically infirm to boot. We’re stuck with this bizarre, incapacitated version of a lifelong political hack whose picture belongs in the lexicon to illustrate the…

The ‘moan-a-lot’ gang need to chill

Absolutely amazing that there are women extant within the demoMarxocrat establishment who really are nothing more than absolutes consumed with racial hatred. Which, combined with their inability to control their childish tantrums, all seem to act like a bunch of undisciplined, spoiled, brats, 10-year-old girls that didn’t get the Barbie doll they wanted for Christmas,…