Go Ahead, Make …
Obama the Clown Prince of Fools doesn’t like the idea of deporting all Muslims because it means he would have to leave, too. Will a reporter ever ask the Clown Prince of Fools questions about anything that matters; like the freedom and sovereignty of the Constitutional Republic for example? Just who is this “tireless enemy within?” Let’s begin with the false narrative of the BLM platform, and segue` into the non-assimilation of the Islamic Jihadist Muslim hordes (aka illegals) wandering around the nation under the administration of Obama the Clown Prince of Fools…
As an important fact in American history, the black community as a whole were doing pretty well up to the time of liberal-progressive Democratic “reforms” and the passage of laws which ultimately led to their ruination. In the fifty years following the civil war and the emancipation, the black community owned farms at the same per-capita rate as whites; their employment numbers matched, or sometimes even exceeded, that of whites. They were just getting to the point where they would have a bit of wealth to pass on to the next generation when social security was enacted, and as a result, lots of farms were lost because of that. Increasing tax burdens also lost them other properties. Just take a look at Detroit. It was a predominately black city, with the lowest unemployment rate in the country. There were great manufacturing jobs, Motown, etc. Then the DemoMarxists took over….
And the same happened all across the country (“can’t we all just get along” from 1992 reverberate with anyone?).
Since Obama the Clown Prince of Fools arose from the pit in 2004, liberal-progressives and Islamists have been united with the BLM crowd, funded primarily by one Gyorgy Schwartz-Soros. Let us not forget that the agenda to take America down began over 100 years ago, originating with Marx and Engels and leading up to Vladimir Lenin. They have continued installing it in increments, thus the term “progressivism”. As Lenin famously stated, they couldn’t get their agenda completed all at one time so they compromised. Doesn’t matter if it takes 100 or 200 years. They are patient. America must be taken out of the way, since it is the last stumbling block to world communism. The agenda is to transfer what God gave to the family, church and state, and reduce it to a godless Marxist cesspool.

Caliphate Emperor kow-tows to his leader…
As for “assimilation”: How well did the San Bernadino killers, the Fort Hood Killer, Boston Marathon killers, and all the other murdering Islamic jihadist Muslim terrorists running rampant around America, assimilate? And there are yet more millions of “assimilated killers” coming, all at the beck and call of Obama the Clown Prince of Fools. Not to mention the millions of illegal “mojados” that haven’t assimilated who are killing hundreds of U.S. citizens at will. Yet Obama the Clown Prince of Fools and Loretta-don’t-be-a-racist-Lynch warns and lectures the American people on Islamaphobia. So where was he and she when a female rapper tweeted that Sarah Palin should be gang-raped by large black men?
The Caliph is already ensconced in the White House wearing a thin disguise as leader of the North American Caliphate, aided and abetted by the likes of Valerie Jarrett, Loretta Lynch, CAIR, and the Muslim Brotherhood.
I’d better stop my rant before I get put on the list again, and lead us into Hugh Fitzgerald and his piece “Obama Knows Best” in FrontPageMagazine…
Back in January, at a press conference with David Cameron, Barack Obama delivered himself of some thoughts on how Europe should deal with its Muslim problem. He claimed that the United States had had “more success” than others in “integrating minorities,” and that “our biggest advantage, major, is that our Muslim populations feel themselves to be Americans and there is this incredible process of immigration and assimilation that is part of our tradition.” This was neither the first nor the last time Obama has claimed that “we are doing things right” with integrating Muslims and the Europeans need to learn from us.
Obama’s optimistic certainty is a thing of wonder. For how does he know that “our Muslim populations feel themselves to be Americans”? Does a Pew poll suffice? Do we have reason to believe that Muslims, eager to dampen the suspicions of non-Muslims, and well-versed in taqiyya, might actually answer such a poll by providing the soothing answers they know are desired, and speak not what they feel, but what they think they ought to say? And does Obama think that the definition of “feeling oneself to be an American” is self-evident? Does someone’s merely living within a given geographic area, and attaining the citizenship associated with that geographic area – living in the United States, say, and acquiring American citizenship through naturalization or birth– mean that that someone feels himself “to be an American”? What does it mean to “be an American”? Would it not mean, in the most important and irreducible sense, that you subscribe to the Constitution, that document at the heart of our civil religion, which means to subscribe to a shared set of beliefs?
And yet more hot air from the blowhead with a hardy H/T to the Washington Free Beacon…