Obama The Tireless Enemy Within

Obama the Clown Prince of Fools doesn’t like the idea of deporting all Muslims because it means he would have to leave, too. Will a reporter ever ask the Clown Prince of Fools questions about anything that matters; like the freedom and sovereignty of the Constitutional Republic for example? Just who is this “tireless enemy within?” Let’s…

Obama And Endless Taqiyya Lies…

As we’ve brought forth many times before, here is the definition of the Islamic Jihadist Muslim Terrorist behavior of lying to your enemies to get them to submit to Islam, known as Taqiyya: “Concealing or disguising one’s beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies at a time of eminent danger, whether now or later in time,…

Obama The Racist Pop-Tart Imam..

White boy eats a pop tart and the crap hits the wall. A black-looking Islamic Muslim boy builds a “clock” that looks like a bomb and gets invited to the WH? No bias here. Living close to the “action” as I do which took place in Irving, Texas (former home of the Dallas Cowboys) a city…

Palestine And Palestinians : The Myth Of Myths

Imagine New Jersey as Israel with their backs to the Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by 500 million Arabs whose stated goal is to wipe them completely off the planet. FYI there’s absolutely no state, nor any personage known as “Palestine and Palestinians”; it is a made-up title from the time Yasser Arafat was murdering athletes at…