Democrats full Stalin on Kavanaugh

In modern parlance there are Lotto winners, Superbowl winners, World Series winners, and scads of other ‘winners’ but hardly any Medal of Honor ‘winners’; there are only Medal of Honor ‘recipients’. And it’s not just a matter of semantics, either, considering the deadly seriousness and horrific costs involved in one way or the other. With…

Moral Compass in USA needs re-jig

In The Rights of the Colonists (1772) Samuel Adams addressed the problem of religion contaminated by murdering totalitarianism: “In regard to religion, mutual toleration in the different professions thereof is what all good and candid minds in all ages have ever practised, and, both by precept and example, inculcated on mankind.” And in a letter…

Migrant Ban latest Fake News Story

The Trumpit Express Train is barely out of the station headed straight down the tracks of recovery and the globalist cabal headed up by Gyorgy Schwartz-Soros (fed by the ravenous appetite of the empirical Big Left Media) can barely contain themselves over the so-called ‘migrant ban.’ As is very evident from the Drudge Report main header posted…

Trumpit Carrier deal hits WH nerve

On his show yesterday, Rush Limbaugh described what he thought was going on at the White House when Trump made the announcement about Carrier: “Don’t doubt me on this — there was seething. There was rage, there was cursing at everything about it, at Trump over the details of the story, over how small it was…

Hillary health issues Front & Center

Continuing along the theme of Hillary Clinton’s health issues, which, as outlined yesterday, are real, numerous, and somewhat dangerous to her and to the survival of the Republic, there is obviously something wrong with America’s version of Evita. She is constantly shadowed by her own “bodyman”, the mysterious Mr. X whose identity remains unknown (although there are…

Brexit Perfect Model For UNexit…

Coming on the heels of the UK Brexit and the bureaucratic mess of a corruption that poses as the European Union and Parliament, I haven’t figured out yet what useful purpose the Big Brother on steroids known as the United Nations supposedly provides for America paying 22% of its funding (if memory serves). Whether it’s stealing…