Justice Thomas and blast from past

The way Justice Thomas was attacked, smeared, demeaned, and generally atrociously treated by the two snakes on the SCOTUS hearing in that 1991 sham of a hearing, it’s an absolute miracle that he got approved at all. And that would be the Clown Circus of Ted (Chappaquiddick) Kennedy, and Gropey Joe (grab’em at all cost)…

Sidney Powell kraken Trump-et call

It certainly isn’t beyond the realm of possibility that Sidney Powell and Senator Ted Cruz (both dyed-in-the-wool Patriots for Justice) will simultaneously overwhelm the Supreme Court with irrefutable communist foreign election interference and DemoMarxocrat collusion. It’s only a matter of time before President Trump secures our victory and his place in history as one of…

America tanks: NY City lost, night 6

America, politically and culturally, has been ‘tanking’ ever since the late President Richard Nixon was run out of office by the Washington Post and the Communist left wing of the Democrat Party. Since then the Anglo-Identity that was rooted in the US Constitution and American culture has been thwarted by the Anti-Christian subculture of the…