Empowerment a weapon to expose

Empowerment is a wonderful word, especially when applied to exposing proverbial political rotten apples! Having already this week witnessed an outrageous Dallas County anti-Trump two-bit ‘judge’ pound away at the Constitution with his derogatory action against a hair, nails, and skin salon owner – (and what she ought or more to the point, ‘ought not’…

Nannywankers scourge of demwits

A memory from the not-too-distant past from arguably one of the greatest political thinkers of the past 100 years describing the surrender of the demwit nannywankers. ‘The descent into totalitarianism with the blindly willing inhabitants’ consent is amazing. How easy it all is to destroy the economy, and make the populace grateful to Government’. ~…

Schiff serum turns out to be poison

Truth serum: noun; a drug, as the barbiturate thiopental, that induces in the subject a desire to talk or a state of heightened suggestibility, used in psychotherapy and in interrogation to discover repressed or consciously withheld information. Adam Schiff, for what it’s worth, is a congenital liar. A statement by the way, that can be…