George Soros blot and stain on USA

One of the worst strains of humanity still walking the planet (albeit, getting close to his demonic dirt-nap – after all, he is coming up on 88 years of age) is one George Soros – whom I identify by the original moniker ‘Gyorgy Schwartz-Soros’ –  he of the Nazi round-up during WWII of the Jewish…

Israel tuned in to Iran’s deception…

Strike yet another one down for Obama, and one up for Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel. To anyone who knows anything about the Islamic practice of taqqiya, this really should come as little surprise that Iran lied. The real shock (well, not really, you come to expect it) is when you find out that Barack Hussein Obama…

America first remains Trump meme

To coin a lie used by the specious traitor of the FBI (actually his ‘Ghost Writer’ since it’s obvious Comey can’t string two sentences together that make any sense at all, never mind write a book) the progressive liberal DemoMarxists indeed do have ‘a higher loyalty’ to shredding whatever remains of the Constitutional Republic of…

Comey conundrum crime collusion

Consider this as the Comey conundrum crime number one: Back in the heady days of 2016 as the presidential campaigns were really getting into high gear, Comey never considered recommending charges against the Duchess of Chappaqua, Hillary Rob’em Clinton (aka ‘Felonia de pantsuit’), since he had written her exoneration letter long before he even questioned…

Treehouse & white hats, black hats?

What a way to end what has been a most interesting week in the annals of the United States, by signing off with yet another incisive political gem from the brainiacs over at The Conservative Treehouse / The Last Refuge, led by ‘sundance.’ As a short intro, I quote ‘peter rabbit’ from the comments thread:…

Hypocrisy of lamestreams revealed

Despite the hypocrisy and maelstrom of DemoMarxist subterfuge, deceit, plots and counter-plots, plus out and out RINOid assaults on his presidency, Donald J. Trump has yet again survived another week in being very focused on running the country – his focus having not waivered one iota. He has been very calm and even-tempered (other than…

DC the big deep state sewer swamp

While conservatives took an extended snooze over the past decade or two and deliberately ignored the unfettered growth of the DC Big Deep State sewer swamp, the nation was literally taken over by the enemy within. In allowing the federal government to become the monster that it now is without a disciplined general oversight, We…

Sleazy Comey calling kettle black…..

What a most appropriate header .. Sleazy Comey. But first, from Britain’s far, far, left SkyNews today: “Donald Trump “lies constantly” and is “morally unfit” to be US president, according to former FBI boss James Comey”. “The man fired by Mr Trump last year told ABC News: “I don’t buy this stuff about him being…

Robert Mueller & FBI malfeasance..

Let’s cut to the chase and get this Robert Mueller mess straight up in front shall we? From Daniel John Sobieski in his scathing report in today’s American Thinker which he titles ‘Guess Whose House Wasn’t Raided by the FBI’ … Let us get this straight. Clinton’s attorney (Cheryl Mills) gets immunity and is allowed…