It’s Not Lying If You Believe It…

As George Costanza said one time (or more) on a Seinfeld episode, “it’s not lying if you believe it.” Brian Williams, a reader of the news, saw how Bubba, Mrs Bubba, Heinz-Baked-Beans-Kerry, Al-not-too-Sharpton, the faux “reverends” Jackson and Jeremiah Wright, the rogue fraud “president” Obama and others around him, succeeded and became filthy rich by…

In Praise Of Black History Month..

In praise of black history month. Most Americans don’t know, nor even care, it appears, that February is designated “Black History Month”, having been instituted back in the good old days of 1976, when the United States celebrated the 200th year of its Declaration of Independence from Britain. Congress officially recognized the event led by President Gerald.…

Al Charlatan-Sharpton Laid Bare

Andrew Klavan bringing the Race-Baiter-In-Chief, Al Charlatan-Sharpton to task with a 4-minute peek into his sordid past; his sordid future already encompassing a seat at the right hand of Barack Hussein Barry Soetoro Harrison J Bounel Obama as his trusted “Race Advisor” while owing $4,500,000 in back taxes to the IRS. Go figure that one…

Friday Outtake Scattershots – And Don’t Get “Jiddee”…

The only thing intelligent about Al “not-too-Sharpton” is that he knows how to sell racebaiting. Other than that, these Friday outtake scattershots reveal that I bet he never read a book that didn’t have cartoons in it. Pretty pathetic when you’re struggling with giddy as “jiddee” and twiddling as “dwiddling”. Obviously he never read or heard…

Failure To Communicate : Obama And Mass Psychosis…

In the late 60s/70s movie “Cool Hand Luke” the phrase “failure to communicate” became an instant cultural iconic put-down. Janet Daley, acerbic columnist in Britain’s Telegraph minces no words in giving it to Obama and his limp-wristed sycophants square and sure, right on his “red-line” lying lips. The rogue fraud “president” who has talked about…

The Purveyors Of Hate…

Bill Whittle has a sure “firewall” way of depicting circumstance. Full of the facts. Calm. Measured cadence. No ranting/raving. A good-natured man who knows how to find and expose the truth. Clear thinking on matters of importance – especially the “firebrand” industry of the racial segregationists; especially the purveyors of hate. In times like these (and don’t these racial…

Ratings Update : Teleprompter 2 – Al Sharpton 0

A shared re-post from the excellent Washington Free Beacon and a ratings update on a character that can only be from a liberal-progressive Alinskyite Marxist Democrat background. Behind every successful race-industry shyster there exists a carpet-bagging political Plantation Owner with credentials issued from the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, the Black Panthers of America, and numerous…

A Sterling Example Laid Bare : Hypocritical Theater

A sterling example laid bare. Excuse the obvious pun, but I’m always tempted to burst out laughing when I see the “righteous left” focused on attempting to solve a problem that cannot be solved outside of outlawing free will and littering the streets with bodies. I’m amazed even more to witness millionaire adult children (whose only claim to fame…

Obama-Holder: The Race-Bait Kings Of The Jungle

In the words of a great Founding Father: Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right, an indisputable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge, I mean the characters and conduct of their rulers. Since Obama-Holder have evolved as the race-bait kings of…