Bill Whittle has a sure “firewall” way of depicting circumstance. Full of the facts. Calm. Measured cadence. No ranting/raving. A good-natured man who knows how to find and expose the truth. Clear thinking on matters of importance – especially the “firebrand” industry of the racial segregationists; especially the purveyors of hate.
In times like these (and don’t these racial “outbreaks/confrontations” seem to occur every couple of years or so?) Bill Cosby and his own inimitable brand of familial understanding, always seems to be the voice of reason to the black community in raising his truthful consequence time after time, and over and over again: “50% dropout rate: fatherless families; no work ethic; and certainly no church moorings”. The purveyors of hate intending to keep the status quo.
Without any of these societal moorings, any civilization is doomed to extinction and we see this throughout history time and time again. Unfortunately for the present condition of the Constitutional Republic of the United States, the race-baiters have been in control and bringing this nation down to perdition, since LBJ and his “Great Society” was instituted in 1964, and it’s been all downhill ever since. The Black Community does itself no favors with non-black neighbors when they act outright like barbarians and animals – destroying the community from within and screaming and ranting about racism. There’s a reason why many non-blacks have negative feelings about the black community when they witness them tearing down, wrecking and stealing other innocent people’s property and belongings, and then ranting and bragging that they are entitled to it! The National Black Community leaders (and unfortunately, even the rogue fraud “president”) are mainly responsible for pushing race relations back decades, back even into the 60s. The sad part about the entire Obama predicament, is that he had the opportunity upon his election in 2008, to be the catalyst for unity in the United States, but because of his muddled mind, ideology, and lack of Biblical moorings, his legacy will be nothing more than a blot and stain in a forgettable history…
Then of course, there are these people .. yes, the rogue fraud “president”, the Sharpton, Jackson and the Holder, a group that one might describe as the new owners of the Political Plantation, supported by others within the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, the Rainbow Coalition, the National Action Network, and a whole string of other alphabet purveyors of the racial segregation industry.
Bill O’Reilly and Al Sharpton were pretty good friends at one point in history, but it would appear that after big Al (big in more ways than one before somebody cut him a deal at MessNBC and he had to lose 300 pounds or so) screwed O’Reilly on one of his contributions to Sharpton’s “charity”, they’re not too friendly towards each other any more. O’Reilly was so incensed at big Al’s latest charade that he cut short his vacation to come home and deliver this scathing “Talking Points Memo” live on last night’s broadcast…
So there you have it. The Black Political Plantation Owners. The purveyors of hate. The screechers of segregation. The perpetrators of racial prosecution. And once again, as reminded up above, the sad part about the entire Obama predicament, is that he had the opportunity upon his election in 2008, to be the catalyst for unity in the United States, but because of his muddled mind, ideology, and lack of Biblical moorings, his legacy will be nothing more than a blot and stain in a forgettable history … Lower down even, than the peanut president Carter, the purveyors of hate reach their real level of incompetence…