Jewish connectedness & 6 day war
The Hamas attackers and their bosses that did the October attack are certainly evil, as what they did has no basis in “war”. It was just pure evil. Why did the Israel Defense Force, (a permanently-placed force monitoring all activity on the Gaza border which sees everything and can dispatch soldiers and aircraft immediately upon the tiniest of incursions, why did this military force not respond to this massive “evil” assault for 6 hours? Why was the “evil” allowed to happen in the very place where Israel knows their mortal enemy is located? And why did Israel’s highly sophisticated intelligence services (which have massive electronic and human spying assets to learn of planned assaults), let this massive coordinated attack happen without being prepared?
Legitimate questions must be answered before the world resorts to WW III so that we can make sure the response does not kill tens of millions of innocent civilians and innocent soldiers and inflict unimaginable suffering, which world wars tend to do. Wars are often instigated by powers and agendas not always explained by the organizations which deliver “news” to the masses. The “news” is designed to herd the sheep. [Kent Ramsay]
Harold Witkov: I am writing as a proud Jewish American whose father fought under Patton in the Battle of the Bulge. I wanted to share what I have been thinking and feeling since October 7.
I was born in Chicago and grew up in nearby Skokie. During my growing up years of the ’50s and ’60s, Skokie was known for its large Jewish population. Following World War II, there were some 7,000 Jewish Holocaust survivors that called Skokie home. Put another way, when I grew up, there were a lot of people walking around in Skokie with tattoo numbers on their forearms and scars in their hearts.
There comes a time in a Jewish life when a Jewish person first feels his Jewish connectedness — a special bond to fellow Jews and the land of Israel. This feeling of connectedness is not necessarily a religious phenomenon, because it happens to secular Jews, too. (Sometimes it never happens!) I know exactly when it happened to me. It happened back in 1967, when I was 15.
On June 5, 1967, tiny Israel was forced to fight on multiple fronts against Arab aggressors that were intent on “throwing Jews into the sea.” On June 10, it was all over. It was called the Six-Day War, and it was a rout. With the rout came exhilaration and relief within my Jewish Skokie community. No more Jewish Holocausts! Thank God there is an Israel! So much for the myth that Jews can’t fight! It was at this time that I first felt my Jewish connectedness.
Jewish connectedness & 6 day war
My parents must have been feeling the connectedness, too, because they made sure to save the Chicago Daily News (June 20, 1967) “News Bonus” edition. I still have the front page of that newspaper, frayed at the edges and terribly faded, but now tucked away safely under glass.
I am not always feeling my Jewish connectedness. Sometimes I even forget about it. But then something horrific happens, like October 7. There is nothing like the mass murder of 1,400 Israelis and the abduction of hundreds of hostages to bring back my Jewish connectedness feeling. Worldwide protests against Israel and chants of “from the river to the sea” and “gas the Jews” help me remember who I am, too.
There are 8 billion people in the world today, and 2 billion of them are Muslim. Today, there are only 15 million Jews on this Earth, and 7 million (almost half) of them live in Israel. There are dozens of Muslim countries but only one Jewish country, and it is the size of New Jersey. When the Six-Day War broke out in 1967, and the nations of Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Syria went to war with Israel, Jordan controlled the West Bank, and Egypt controlled the Gaza Strip. Funny — back then, there was no Palestinian problem — only a Jewish problem.
I am writing about good versus evil. Why is it that Hamas and Iran vocally share the same game plan as Hitler? Think about it.
So fight on, tiny Israel. With your own strength and fortitude, and with the help of those who support you (both Jew and non-Jew alike), and with God’s blessings, may you know peace through victory. [end]

Jewish connectedness & 6 day war … watched over by President and Devin Nunes
So far Israel has held its own. Since the ’67 war the Arab states have become much better equipped, no thanks to the US and Russia. Also, too many in Israel have become liberal and lack fighting spirit (as in this country.) I suspect it would be far worse for Israel in a full scale conflict. They would have to nuke the Arabs to survive, if they chose to survive.
“Today, there are only 15 million Jews on this Earth”, a number that must be low by a factor of 10 or more. Consider that Jews own – or are at the top of – the USA’s TV and movie production, sports, newspapers, government, banking, universities, technology businesses, etc. How could only 15 million worldwide rise to the top of nearly every desirable position in this country?
So far Israel has held its own. Since the ’67 war the Arab states have become much better equipped, no thanks to the US and Russia. Also, too many in Israel have become liberal and lack fighting spirit (as in this country.) I suspect it would be far worse for Israel in a full scale conflict. They would have to nuke the Arabs to survive, if they chose to survive.
For a very good history of the nation of Israel, check out “Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn”, by Daniel Gordis. You’ll come away from it seeing how attacks and threats of attacks on Israel are a perpetual part of its existence.
And on that note, time for today’s MAGA Pill – President Donald John Trump – MAGA! KAG!
- Harold Witkov, American Thinker: Jewish connectedness and the Six-Day war
- See also: Alicia Colon, American Thinker: Where angels do not fear to tread