Friday Scattershoot : Reidisms. Koch Addiction. Racism…

Go Ahead, Make ...

Go Ahead, Make …

Welcome to the Friday Scattershoot .. If Dingie ‘Arry ever has even a momentary epiphany of what truth is, it could be devastating to what’s left of his mind. This should show everybody how confused he is most of the time, and that he is incapable of discharging his duties as an elected representative of We The People. Good grief, but he is SUCH an idiot, to say nothing of the fact that he really is the US Senate Majority Leader. Go figure to what imbecilic standards We The People have allowed our public officials to deteriorate to. He’s an embarrassment to our nation, over and over again. Elections have consequences, so – Please America – FIRE him this November, PLEASE!


Can you imagine if this senile idiot had addressed the Black community like this? CNN, MessNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS and others would be FUMING. Democrats hate the successful minorities like East Asians, Indians and others but love the hopeless ones like Blacks and Hispanics. This is just another example of the hypocrisy of the left. Had a Republican made any comment similar to that they would be out with the torches and pitch forks until the person quit.


Ole Dingie ‘Arry, what a comedian eh? What with getting all his “wongs” mixed up it’s a wonder that “winging” it from the podium, he didn’t “wing” the “wong” number and get himself into a whole “wight wing” conspiracy theory. “Wing” one “wong” number and you could get yourself into a whole wing wong ding dong. What a rufus doofus…

I wish he’d get his meds refilled .. In reality, he’s the rogue fraud “president’s” protector. He blocks everything (I mean everything) for the sole purpose that the rogue fraud “president” can blame a do-nothing Congress and then force his own agenda. And how many sheeple know it’s Reid blocking everything so the rogue fraud “president” can mislead and blame political opposition? Then there are those “evil” brothers to whom ole Dingie ‘Arry seems to be “Koch-addicted” … Wonder if ole ‘Dingie would accept this kind of philanthropic gesture?? Crickets…


And finally, Andrew Klavan nails it again, this time on how to speak leftist. You should not take it so hard that you 38% liberals are a constant source of such great humor to we conservatives. The only problem with our liberal friends is they believe so much that is not so. And using the term retarded shows us all that you must be at least fifteen years old.