Go Ahead, Make …
When you elect the most incompetent, inept, unqualified (in many aspects, beginning with his locked-up “secrets”) Manchurian Candidate fraud surrounded with a slumlord as an advisor, do you expect him or her, to put in place anyone more competent than the figurehead of race relations? Run it like an Obama frat house and you begin to get people’s attention.
Way, way back when, when “good” was “bad” in the thug vernacular, it was obvious that the world would be turned upside down at some point in an effort to be as cool as the ghetto thugs. We see this every day now with the prevalence of awful, formerly highly restricted speech blurted out causally-“accidentally” over the airwaves. In 1970, I believe it was in California (where else?!) we first heard a female utter the “F” word in public. I was 27 at the time living in conservative Canada (another country that has gone progressively nuts) and I was absolutely dumbfounded being from a less “progressive” country like England (now look at them – the Northern Caliphate of Europe). Seeds of the Obama frat house were being sown even then.
At the time, like most people, I thought California was at least 10 years ahead of the rest of North America in terms of culture shift. Nowadays, after national “Californication”, I truly believe we could stand to go back about 10 years to attempt to retrieve some sanity. Turn that cap around and pull up your pants. Being “different” to be offensive when it is so prevalent is not being different at all. It is being conformists, which sort of negates the whole sordid idea. It only looks stupid to me. HAH! “Stupid” like the Obama frat house. “Send In The Clowns” with the ending soliloquy so that we can all get off stage and begin the post-mortem.
Let’s go take a peek at Ed Lasky’s take on the Obama frat house shall we, from his piece in American Thinker…
Tommy “Dude” Vietor, former National Security Council spokesman, did America a favor when he dismissed a question from Fox News’s Bret Baier about Benghazi with the Lebowskian “Dude, that was like two years ago.” Such juvenility is pervasive among denizens of Obama’s White House, or, as it may be better described, Obama’s Frat House. And it is hurting America.
There were intimations early in Obama’s Presidency that his leadership team was a boys club. As Carrie Budoff Brown wrote in Politico:
The boys club image took hold during the 2008 presidential campaign and the early years of the administration, when Obama’s inner circle brimmed with fist-bumping young guys, sports-obsessed aides and brash leaders like top economic adviser Lawrence Summers. There were influential women, such as confidante Valerie Jarrett and advisers Alyssa Mastromonaco and Melody Barnes, but none was as visible on TV or the White House Flickr feed as David Axelrod, Robert Gibbs or David Plouffe.
Even the New York Times wondered in 2009 “Does the White House feel like a frat house?” Mark Leibovch wrote:
The president, after all, is an unabashed First Guy’s Guy. Since being elected, he has demonstrated an encyclopedic knowledge of college hoops on ESPN, indulged a craving for weekend golf, expressed a preference for adopting a “big rambunctious dog” over a “girlie dog” and hoisted beer in a peacemaking effort.
He presides over a White House rife with fist-bumping young men who call each other “dude” and testosterone-brimming personalities like Rahm Emanuel, the often-profane chief of staff;Lawrence Summers, the brash economic adviser; and Robert Gibbs, the press secretary, who habitually speaks in sports metaphors.