Character, Manners, & Behavior

Character, manners, & behavior. Let me open this piece with two marvelous quotes on “character” and “behavior”. First up, from John Adams: Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right, an indisputable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge, I mean the characters and…

Obama Frat House : Pajama Poster Boys Rule

When you elect the most incompetent, inept, unqualified (in many aspects, beginning with his locked-up “secrets”) Manchurian Candidate fraud surrounded with a slumlord as an advisor, do you expect him or her, to put in place anyone more competent than the figurehead of race relations? Run it like an Obama frat house and you begin…

HolloWoody Allen : Movies-As-Life-As-Movies – Or Not

Kim Zigfeld stripping away the shallow veneer that is Hollywood .. In particular, revealing yet more of the predatory side of one who might well be described as “HolloWoody Allen,” who (obviously, one supposes) vehemently denies any wrongdoing with Dylan Farrow as a 7-year-old cutie. Hollywood, entertainment and paedophilia go hand in hand like the…