The problem with “racism” and “racists” is that the line of demarcation between slavery and its aftermath has become so fuzzy over the centuries that any one of at least 10 skin colors can lay claim to either perpetuating slavery or being victims of slavery. History not being truthfully taught in our “skrules of indoctrination” allows the myth that all white folks are bad, and all black folks are entitled to an ongoing handout from an apologetic government for crimes committed against humanity. Which would be all well and good were we not to take the historical record way back beyond the founding of the United States to truthfully seek out the seeds of human bondage. Ah yes but, that would wreck the popular liberal-progressive narrative on slavery and its aftermath, wouldn’t it?
I was very fortunate in the mid-1960s to spend some quality time in Jamaica, the experience of which allowed me to meet many people who still had the historical records firmly planted in their minds, truthful facts and figures passed down from generation to generation which countered the liberal-progressive revisionist version of history which had begun (by 1963) to infiltrate the true historical record of slavery and its aftermath. From Marcus Garvey III., for instance, I learned about his father’s true desire in founding the Back to Africa movement and the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (forerunner of the now mostly corrupt and useless NAACP).
Black slavery was developed in Africa by black Muslims and existed for a thousand years before the white man knew that you didn’t drop off the edge of the earth when you sailed south of the tip of Africa. Black slavery was ended in Africa by white Christians during the reign of Queen Victoria, who forced their government to utilize its colonial power first to stop the slave trade, and then to outlaw it in their colonies in Africa; to which the Africans resisted any change to their institution of slavery. The story of William Wilberforce and John Newton is powerfully told in the movie Amazing Grace and is well worth the watching since it expresses the historical truth of slavery and its aftermath.
Like many, I am tired of hearing that white people are evil. How about a little appreciation for the achievements of European culture? It is humanity that is good or evil and that is the same everywhere for every race. If I were to say that Blacks are criminal and Muslims are terrorists I would be vilified and more than likely, prosecuted, but you can say what you like about white “folks” since they are not protected by anti-racism laws, nor, for that matter, from slavery and its aftermath.
In the following piece for FrontPage Magazine, Jack Kerwick expounds in detail on the history of slavery with excellent historical reference material, and is well worth the archiving for any future purpose…
“The truth is harsh.”
So spoke the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, back in the 19th century.
On no topic is the truth harsher than on that of race.The Eric Holders of the world incessantly bemoan the absence of an “honest discussion of race” in America. But such a discussion, beginning, as it must, with a discussion of slavery, is actually the last thing that they could afford to have, for such a discussion would include facts that would undermine much of the ideologically-invaluable conventional wisdom concerning this topic.
For instance, the very word “slave” stems from “Slav,” i.e. a reference to the experience of millions of (white) Slavish people who endured centuries of slavery at the hands of African Muslims. This, of course, is a most inconvenient truth, for it is a most Politically Incorrect truth. But it is the truth.
Yet the Slavish aren’t the only whites who spent centuries in captivity: Europeans of various backgrounds were enslaved by African Muslims as well. All of this is heavily documented in such neglected pieces of scholarship as Robert Davis’s Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800 and Paul Baepler’s White Slaves, African Masters: An Anthology of American Barbary Captivity Narratives.
Nor is it just that millions of whites in Europe were made to toil in bondage for hundreds of years. Don Jordan’s White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain’s White Slaves in America and Michael Hoffman’s They Were White and They Were Slaves: The Untold History of the Enslavement of Whites in Early America impeccably establish that whites were enslaved in colonial America as well. Moreover, these brave authors show that the conditions that whites, including, most tragically, white children, had to endure both en route to the colonies as well as once they arrived were at least as dreadful as those experienced by Africans.