Go Ahead, Make …
The closer to election day we get, the more important it is for We The People to have a clear and concise understanding of the health and well-being of the person running for the highest office on the planet. In recent years there have been many incidents of stumbling, bumbling, tripping, falling, coughing and hacking on the part of Hillary Clinton that alarm bells should be going off all across the United States of America on the present state of Hillary Clinton. Couple that with the gaunt and haunting appearance of Bubba, and we could be looking into the face of a real disaster that could cause serious harm to the nation.
In the video below, Infowars‘ Paul Joseph Watson reviews the litany of things that are wrong with Hillary Clinton: her health problems; peculiar behaviors and facial expressions suggestive of mini strokes; inappropriate laughter; the vile way she treats subordinates, including the Secret Service agents charged with protecting her life. There is indeed, something physically and mentally wrong with this candidate. Some say Multiple Sclerosis, some say Parkinson’s, some say the damage from her brain blood clot, but whatever it is, she’s definitely not well mentally nor physically, and she shouldn’t be running for the highest office on the planet.
Dr. Eowyn and his colleagues at Fellowship Of The Minds have long been documenting the physical breakdown of both Clintons and particularly Hillary’s unfitness for the stress and challenge of daily interaction as Commander-in-Chief, let alone the other thousand-and-one things connected to the presidency of the United States. After all, the Oval Office is hardly the place of preference in treating the obvious multiple illnesses that have been showing up in a most transparent way in the past few months and years. Hillary’s bizarre behavior and strange seizures: Is she having a breakdown or does she actually have brain damage?
As a little side issue, The Clinton Body Count went up by 5 in the last six weeks (I would want to be totally anonymous with anything to do with these two). 1) Shawn Lucas, Sanders supporter who served papers to the DNC on the Fraud Case died 5 days ago. 2) Victor Thorn, ‘killed himself’ last week. He wrote a book about the Clintons. 3) Seth Conrad Rich, Democrat Staffer on his way to speak to the FBI regarding the Clintons was murdered last month. 4) John Ashe, UN official ‘accidentally died’ while lifting weights in June. He was going to testify against the Clintons. 5) Mike Flynn, Big Govt editor for Breitbart, published an article on Clinton Cash, also died in June.
A pretty nasty bunch to be around these Mafiosi Clintons…
- Is the hole in Hillary Clinton’s tongue from cancer surgery?
- Did Hillary have a brain seizure on camera?
- Ex-Secret Service agent: Jekyll & Hyde personality makes Hillary unfit to be President
- Best explanation for Hillary’s coughing fits
- Proof that Hillary Clinton is a psychopathic liar
- Feminist Hillary Clinton laughed, recalling her defense of man who raped 12-year-old girl
- State Dept phone transcripts show Hillary knew at the time that Benghazi was a terrorist attack
- Hillary’s health: her meds, thick eyeglasses, and what doctors say
- What is wrong with Hillary?
- Who Let The Dogs Out – Hillary (on Hillary Clinton barking like a dog)
- Emails show Hillary aides constantly complimented her looks
- Hillary Clinton is ‘often confused’
- Hillary Clinton is a monster, says Secret Service agents
- Hillary is dealing with mounting health issues, new book claims
- Clinton friend and assassin Larry Nichols: Hillary is a satanist
- Hillary Clinton said to have multiple sclerosis; a stroke risk
- ABC’s “The View” hints that Hillary Clinton is a lesbian
- Arkansas State trooper: Bill and Hillary Clinton are swingers
- Bill Clinton’s 12-year mistress says Hillary is bisexual
- Ophalmologist says Hillary’s thick glasses were for double vision from ‘severe head trauma’
- Papers of closest friend show Hillary Clinton to be ruthless & vengeful
- Hillary Clinton was fired for lying when she was 27 years old
- Bombshell: Long-time Clinton associate says he killed people for Bill & Hillary
- The filthy mouth of Hillary Clinton
- Hillary Clinton treated Secret Service like servants
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