Continuing on from yesterday, Hillary Clinton’s medical records are a hundred times more relevant than Trump’s financial disclosures. It’s absolutely our prerogative to know whether or not a candidate for commander-in-chief is on some kind of medication which might affect his or her judgment. Which also then brings up the question of her running mate being vetted by the lamestreams to see if he qualifies should Clinton hit the hospital ward. How’s this for a start? Senator Tim Kaine took legal gifts totaling $180,000 while serving as governor and lieutenant governor of Virginia. Just because you can under the law’s threshold, doesn’t mean you should. He is as morally corrupt as the person who chose him as running mate, and that doesn’t begin to highlight his Muslim connections.
“Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s newly-announced running mate, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, has a history of embracing Islamists. He appointed a Hamas supporter to a state immigration commission; spoke at a dinner honoring a Muslim Brotherhood terror suspect and received donations from well-known Islamist groups.” He’s just another Muslim Brotherhood plant to get into the very heart of the United States government.
As Thomas Lifson puts it in his American Thinker piece: “A stunning charge is being leveled that Hillary Clinton’s health is so endangered that she is accompanied by a medic carrying an injection pen with an anti-seizure drug at the ready. And photographs are being presented as evidence of the practice.”
While it does appear Hillary has health issues (and nothing these people do should surprise us anymore), I’ve always thought she has a heart problem. From what I’ve observed over the years, if she has one, it’s cold, blackened, and hardened beyond any treatment. Seizures, coughing fits, “bathroom breaks” during debates, can’t get up stairs without help, syphilis (hole on the tongue is a dead giveaway, she had the growth extracted, resulting in that hole). Yes, it’s a biopsy but caused by syphilis, so yup, go ahead and elect this demented woman, America. After all, it’s her turn, right? [sarc]
In his book from last year “The First Family Detail”, Ronald Kessler reveals that she has medical professionals with her all the time, which would make sense that the guy with her in the pics obviously knows her medical condition and handles her like he understands her brain injuries. He is there solely to keep her functioning.
Badge Man is also the same man pictured helping Hillary up stairs. And he is also the man who rushed to assure Hillary when she froze during a speech in Las Vegas three days ago.
And finally, did anyone else notice that during her acceptance speech when she introduced her running mate she said “he would be a great leader”? Vice Presidents don’t lead, they follow. Is she planning to get elected, step down due to health and have Tim Kaine take over as President? Scary, an unelected President.
Scarier still, is the current president “elected” on the backs of (literally) hundreds of thousands from the dead voters society.
Interesting times indeed, folks.