Fake news media a Trump nuisance

In its broadest sense as invoked by our warrior-president, fake news media is about made-up facts around the truth you don’t wish to know or hear about. The current mainstream ‘media disinformation’ – ie fake news – is, to an even greater extent than academia, the reason that half the nation is ill-educated (or ‘mal-educated’ as…

Texas and Trump on my mind bigly

As they might drawl in Texas ‘Texan tawk’, when you attempt to railroad 63 million Americans who elected a president who has consistently proven to be a tried and true leader – effective, accomplished and loved by his constituents – “it ain’t gonna be purrty”. President Trump showed up in Dallas, Texas on schedule last…

Bush-Clinton warmongers v Trump

At the current pace of things, DemoMarxocrats seem willing to prove (to even the most sheltered and uninformed voters) their absolute intent to lie, cheat, steal and whatever else it takes, to unseat We the People’s presidential choice of Donald J. Trump and any and all who support him. Their current scorched earth strategy is…

Ship of fools parody impeachment..

The Ship of Fools. One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest. Lies. Prevarications. And God knows whatever else the Machiavellian nature of one, Nancy Pelosi can conjure up at a moment’s notice. To Hell and Back might be appropriate. ‘Ship ahoy!’ As Barnum & Bailey’s Circus might well have announced it in the old days –…

Deep state target of Trump acumen

I’ve been somewhat assuredly informed that president Trump is currently more involved with the Deep State than many (including yours truly) give him credit for. If he wasn’t, he wouldn’t have jumped in to sort the mess out in the first place. Fact is there’s something of a Deep State civil war going on right…

‘Let’s roll’, a promise never to forget

Sadly, 18 years on, we’re not in this together. Not in any sane way, at least. We have become two countries (or more?) contained in one border. And even that border is under constant attack. One of the countries is a lawless, anti-Constitutional nightmare that seeks increased government control over the citizenry. And all while…

Mueller ‘report’ March 26 Amazon..

The current iteration of scurrilous House Democrats and their peons are using blatantly-in-your-face Congressional Committees as weapons of mass destruction, not only against our duly-elected president, but also to harass and punish anyone and everyone who actively supports him. When there is no evidence of a crime and no logical reason to think one exists,…