On the day of the second “Super Tuesday” of election year 2016, remembering all those overheard comments from people like Bubba and Harry Reid and others referring to the newly-elevated Obama as their “useful idiot”. In those days I knew something was amiss. Now after several years, it would appear that the problem has always been the progressive agenda and what its true intent is. Progressives know no party loyalty. It is a greedy and quite frankly fascist agenda that is dangerous to the world just as it was when Mussolini, Hitler and Franco took us into WWII.
So that having been said, following on from yesterday’s post “Chicago Riots Revisited : Not Pretty” I dug a little deeper and came up with some interesting developments that really focus on the underlying reason for Donald Trump’s rise in popularity. First, a little lead-in. Ted Cruz could take a break from calling Mitch McConnell a liar and point out that law enforcement has found probable cause to believe “Pretensident Obama’s” identity documents are forgeries and frauds and that a Congressional Investigation is in order. Having joined the sellouts with his endorsement of the Chicago street goons and his argument that the Right should not make them angry, Cruz apparently doesn’t have it in him to roll back anything the left has done because fundamentally he buys into their view of the world (and let me make it clear that I’m a Cruz supporter from the beginning). This is why he showed up at the border with candy and teddy bears for MS-13 gang members (AKA unaccompanied children), why he refuses to consider a ban on Muslims, and why he talks about bringing illegals “out of the shadows”. Trump on the other hand, just might.
Cruz did indeed call McConnell a liar to his face if you remember, but why did he trust him in the first place? It seems like they were just playing good cop, bad cop, allowing Cruz to vote with the establishment and then act angry and betrayed to build up his Tea Party street creds. Add to that, according to this from the Conservative Treehouse, McConnell’s lawyer heads a Cruz super-PAC (and not to repeat myself, but I’m a Cruz supporter). There’s no hiding the fact either, that he blamed Trump (somewhat limpishly, it must be said, but nevertheless) for the idiots protesting at his rallies, and I suppose we could say that he now belongs in the same group as McConnell and the rest of the Washington establishment, yet I believe the two of them (ie Trump and Cruz) could work something together were they both agreeable to do so. But Trump has the trump (pun intended) on that, and Ted Cruz would be well advised to pay heed to this from Diana West this past Sunday:
Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy threatens the Left’s stranglehold in this country more than any other movement in American politics in my memory, if not modern history. That’s the simple reason thousands of Leftists mobilized in Chicago last week to shut down the democratic process — to seize the space inside and around a Trump political rally and transform it into a morass of menace, sirens, chaos, and mobs.
Nothing, but nothing, Donald Trump has said from his podium about protesters disrupting his rallies (punch him in the face, get him out of here, beat the crap out of anyone that throws tomatoes at me, I’ll defend you in court — the works) drives the anti-USA agendas of these Leftist groups; nor did it inspire them to organize the mobs that “successfully” interrupted the democratic process last week in Chicago. So what is behind it?
It is Donald Trump’s political agenda that drove the Left to organize its Chicago assets to seize enough control of the streets and the auditorium to thwart peaceable assembly and disrupt free speech. The Left reviles Trump’s Wall. They revile his policy to deport illegal aliens. To halt Muslim immigration. To halt illegal immigration. To control legal immigration. Restore US sovereignty. Reverse globalizing trade policies, such as TPA and TPP. These sharp turns from our politics-as-usual-over–the-cliff is what drove the Left to the streets in Chicago. Leaders on the Right — Cruz, Kasich and Rubio — gave the Left cover by blaming Trump.
Which is all as a lead-in to Jack Cashill and his own ongoing battle with the very same forces of disambiguation that the Establishment Left and Right have been perpetrating upon We The People for years; and especially-so since the elevation to the highest office on the planet, of a community disorganizer from the back streets of Chicago under the tutelage of terrorists like Bill Ayers, Gyorgy-Schwartz-Soros, Frank Marshall Davis, Vernon Jarrett, Saul Alinsky etal and many others. No one on the left cares if their candidate is a fraud, or a cheat, or a liar. After almost eight years of proven lies, who do they put up as a following act? Another documented liar – Hillary. These are the people that Donald Trump is fighting and why he is so popular with the rank and file of the United States. We The People want real change in Washington and it will never happen with an insider no matter what his/her ideology. Trump has more proven strength and backbone against the GOPe and RINOs than anyone since the beginning of the Republican party.
So we must watch what we say so as not to incite the Feral. The Feral will become more aggressive as time goes on because there are never consequences for their actions. Eventually they will be in your city and town. Will you stay inside, walk with your head down so as not to inflame them? Since the election of Obama we have been experiencing a Coup. This election is another phase of it. A good debater is not going to prevent the blood in the streets. This is not Republican v Dem. It is America v Marxism.
No man is perfect – but it is time for action, not words…
Jack Cashill and American Thinker… “Rush, Andrew, Donald, and the Republican Reconquista”
“Most of my friends were graduating that year,” writes Barack Obama in Dreams from My Father. “Hasan off to work with his family in London, Regina on her way to Andalusia to study Spanish Gypsies.”
Ah yes, “Andalusia!” That, of course, is left-speak for “Spain.” For anti-colonialists like Obama, Andalusia is more than an historical place. It is a metaphor for a progressive golden age, one in which wisdom ruled and peace reigned. “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance,” affirmed Obama at Cairo in 2009. “We see it in the history of Andalusia.”
True, after the invading Moors brutally ripped the Iberian Peninsula from its indigenous Latinos, peace of a sort did reign. It came at a price, specifically the jizya, a tax non-Muslims had to pay to secure their dhimmi status, the Islamic equivalent of Jim Crow.
The Moors arrived in the year 711. The Christians started reconquering their homeland in 721. It would take them seven centuries to finish the job. In all of Obama’s musings about Andalusia, he has spared scarcely a word for the “Reconquista,” a Republican variation of which has hatched on his watch.
A few days ago, casually searching YouTube, I came across a short video I had not seen in five years called “The Media Reaction to Jack Cashill’s Deconstructing Obama.” In seven compact minutes producer Chris Kusnell sheds some unexpected light on the Republican Reconquista in embryo.