State of the Union : Post Super-Two

En Garde In The Bunker

En Garde In The Bunker

From “2 Parrots and a Dog” commenting on one of my threads: “While sour grapes sets in with the political set, I felt happy and hopeful for my country’s rebirth voting for Trump yesterday. I grew up in a great country that was free and prosperous. People were happier. The bloated government has strangled American opportunity without accountability for them, while they bleed us dry. This is OUR country and their duty was to serve the American people, not themselves. They still don’t seem to get why we’re fed up with them. Instead of reflecting on their own behavior, they attack us and each other. I want accountability and I want my country back. The more the government gets away with, the more emboldened those serving themselves become. They won’t even secure the border laws that are in place. They pretend they don’t even exist.”

“Cruz and Rubio couldn’t get things done in Congress. They both voted for free trade which further cripples Americans. Why would anyone want to vote them into the WH? Neither of them would trim the fat or get our economy up and running again. They are both incapable of holding anyone accountable because they both would rely on donors to fund their second term in office. The youth in this country have never experienced a free and prosperous America in action like older Americans have. They are being taught a load of cr-p in schools that fits with the agenda of the political class and by the time they are old enough to realize they have been used, all hope will be lost of them ever seeing it.”

“Trump gives me hope that what we’ve witnessed being created over the past eight years, this Obama monster on steroids, can be turned around to what it was and still could and should be. He alone can help us make America great again. I’m tired of all the corruption and false promises. Trump may not be perfect, but he can and will get the job done. Of that I am fully convinced.” ~ God Bless America, 2 Parrots and a Dog

We The People are rising...

We The People are rising…

Wow, talk about speaking from the heart! But I believe it is very evident that the sentiment put forth so eloquently by “2 parrots” expressly describes just where we “regular folks” are in the grand scheme of political things in modern-day America. We The People have just about had it up to here with the lasting insincerity of most of the people we send up to the cesspool of Washington D.C. As I opined in my closer from yesterday’s post: “Since the election of Obama we have been experiencing a Coup. This election is another phase of it. A good debater is not going to prevent the blood in the streets. This is not Republican v Dem. It is America v Marxism. No man is perfect – but it is time for action, not words…”

I find it interesting and incredibly ironic that the people who keep telling us Donald Trump would be a bad President are the same people who told us Barack Hussein Obama the Clown Prince of Fools would be a good President. Consider him an “invisible man” who came out of nowhere, with nothing to his name. Nothing.

  • No achievements (surely to goodness, the title “community organizer” doesn’t qualify one for the highest office on the planet, does it?)
  • Nothing in his history, save the fables of ghost-writer terrorist Bill Ayers in “Dreams From my Father”.
  • No academic proclivities existing anywhere.
  • A technically-proven (though often disputed by the liberal progressive leftist media) forged birth certificate, validated as such by literally scores of fraud experts.
  • A suspiciously-fraudulent Social Security card (once again validated by experts in the field) where we discover the number Obama most frequently uses, the one beginning with 042, is a number issued in Connecticut sometime during 1976-1977, yet there is no record of Obama ever living or working in Connecticut. Indeed, during this time period Obama would have been 15-16 years of age and living in Hawaii at the time.

Obama liar..

Yet it all continues to go nowhere, giving yet more credence to his description of being a real-life Manchurian Candidate plant. The Beatles’ “He’s a real Nowhere Man, living in his nowhere land, making all his nowhere plans for nobody” coming to life in the flesh. Indeed, everywhere one looks into Obama’s background, we find sealed records, scrubbed websites, altered documents, people disappearing, deception and unanswered questions. But as with everything else concerning Obama, the media continues to give him a pass.

    • The GOP establishment gave us McCain, the people said no.
    • They gave us Bob Dole, the people said no.
    • They gave us Mitt Romney, the people said no.
    • Just when will they learn?

Interesting times we live in for sure and isn’t this something – The RINOs are trying to shoot down their leading candidate while the DemoMarxists are offering up a crook. This is where eight years of a corrupt administration and Congress has left us. Fortunately, We The People understand that it’s been a long time coming. The middle class is finally waking up to the shockingly massive malfeasance perpetrated on them, their communities and the nation by the arrogant, globalist, elitist, open-borders, corrupt D.C. cabal. The middle class has been the cash cow punching bag of the corrupt D.C. crew for decades. The anger is now irrepressible and will only grow from here. Right now we’re using ballots instead of bullets. If they keep pushing, it may well come to the bullets.

We The People are rising up to take our country back, and Donald Trump of all people has been the catalyst awakening the sleeping giant. God moves in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform!


Three pieces for further reading:

National Review: The Trump Recruiting Office

Trump Tops Rubio in Florida

The GOP Charade