Absolutely amazing that there are women extant within the demoMarxocrat establishment who really are nothing more than absolutes consumed with racial hatred. Which, combined with their inability to control their childish tantrums, all seem to act like a bunch of undisciplined, spoiled, brats, 10-year-old girls that didn’t get the Barbie doll they wanted for Christmas, and thereby making it very clear that they shouldn’t be occupying any position of authority especially the White House; either now, or in the future. Imagine AOC in charge of “the football“.
For one thing, Omar needs to be investigated by the House Ethics Committee for tax fraud, immigration fraud, and fraud against the federal student loan program. Investigative reporters have unearthed extremely concrete and compelling evidence that Omar married her brother so that he could access student loans funds for which he wasn’t eligible, and to live as Omar’s husband in federally-subsidized student housing. And then committed tax fraud by submitting a false income tax return to cover it all up. Omar never should’ve been in Congress, let alone serving a Congressional Committee. Power-grab!
It definitely doesn’t help when demoMarxocrats begin spitting verbal diarrhea consistently, with the likes of Omar whose illegal immigration fraudulently took taxpayer $$ for college, together with her committing adultery, incest and polygamy plus tax fraud as a back-up. Yet since this is a common trait among elitist socially-racist Somali emigrants she got elected / re-elected consistently. Can’t fix stupid!
To which – not being a fan of Omar, nor any other anti-American “wanna-be” rebel planted afoot to bring down the United States – she needs to be totally and completely removed from all committees, but notice something else going on here, where the likes of Reps the measure of Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Cory Bush (among many, MANY others) are somehow allowed to openly spew anti-White bile for years, yet not a single thing happens to them. But go to the mat and begin to challenge their hatred if Israel? YOU’RE DONE. Can anyone explain that?
Well here’s a stab at it – 1) Omar needs to be investigated for immigration fraud and improper use of campaign funds. 2) AOC needs to be investigated for funneling money to Chinese. And 3) Rashida Tlaib needs to be investigated for being hideously mean and ugly to Americans. There!
Debra Heine, American Greatness: ‘Dems Spit Fire: Boot Rep Omar off Foreign Affairs Committee’ ….
On a party-line vote Thursday, the House of Representatives voted to remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. The resolution to remove Omar passed on a vote of 218-211, with one Republican voting present. Democrats angrily screamed “NOOOOO!” against the resolution to oust Omar.
Omar’s presence on the committee had been a point of contention for years due to the allegedly Anti-Semitic statements she has made in regard to Israel.
“She’s literally getting intelligence briefings on foreign policy in the United States, including our relationship with Israel,” said Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) in a March 2019 interview with Fox News. “Why would you have her on a committee that is that important, that sensitive to our foreign policy if she has those kinds of Anti-Semitic beliefs?” he asked at the time. “She ought to be removed immediately from the Foreign Affairs Committee.”
The move comes after House Speaker Kevin McCarthy denied seats on the House Intelligence Committee to Reps. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) and Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), enraging Democrats who say the push to oust the three from their committee assignments was just an act of political revenge. [-]
[+] … During the Speaker fight last month, AOC and Gosar were seen on the House floor engaged in friendly conversation. Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) blamed “white supremacy” for the decision to remove Omar from her committee assignments.
Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) furiously railed against the decision, bawling, “I am so sorry sis, you belong on that committee!” and “our country is failing you!”
Speaker McCarthy got fired up when defending vote to remove Omar, reminding reporters that “every Democrat voted to remove Marjorie Taylor Greene” based on something she said before she even came to Congress.”
He added: “So they wanted to override what the American people in her district decided.” [end]
Full link below….
The plain upside down fact and consequence of the matter is that the demoMarxocrats are nothing but a Communist Party in all but name. One can quibble and call them Marxist Revolutionaries, but tomatoe, tomato rules. Seriously, they should all be removed from positions of power, rounded up, and sent to a hardcore labor camp along with their numerous collaborators – looking at you Bill Barr, Wray, “Ditch-Mitch McConnell.” – and scores and scores of others!
Any person who doesn’t support American values shouldn’t be part of its government, known as “common sense“. Plain fact is Omar is an instrument of destruction not a contributor to our well being. Outside of military aid Israel’s influence in American politics is practically nil. Especially when a demoMarxocrat, like the senile dementia-riven FJBiden is ensconced in the Oval office. Erm, sorry – basement cellar!
So much for the worry that House Republicans couldn’t unite and get things done. Yes, this is a small step but it is symbolic. Karma is a bitch. The left, the Dems and their allies forever it seems, have epileptic fits and frothing in their mouths, otherwise known as massive meltdowns on those decisions. Scary, no?
In conclusion, of course not one Republican has the cojones to say, “we’re just kicking them off a committee, lucky as they are that fifty years ago they’d be hung as either a Communist or Jihadi traitor. Heck, her own people back in Somalia would stone her to death for adultery. At the very least she should be deported back to that hellhole for marrying her brother.” Period.
So watch what you say before we decide to take the country back and make establishing a Marxist police state through election theft with a senile puppet as president, aka a capital offense. In other words FJBiteMe! The ‘moan-a-lot’ gang need to chill.
And on that note, time for today’s MAGA Pill – Warrior-President Donald John Trump – MAGA! KAG!
- Debra Heine, American Greatness: Dems Spit Fire: Boot Rep Omar off Foreign Affairs Committee