Sharia Islam enslaves Twitter clan..

Sharia Islam enslaves Twitter clan. Mmmm .. I’m not a Twitter user, never have been and likely never will be, which is not an indictment but simply a tall ask of me to be thumbing and fingering limited messages on a small screen when I can more easily and comfortably dial a number and converse…

Racist cry of toppling Iconic statues

Over the millennia, Western Culture has been heavily influenced by Judaism, Christianity, the ancient Greeks and the Roman Empire, together with ideas that originated in ancient India or the New World. It certainly hasn’t remained static, as it led the world into new freedoms and rights for individuals, greater parity in wealth, better health, and…

Race war thrives under Democrats..

Following on from yesterday’s “Collaborating to take down Trump” David Horowitz chimes in with an editorial of his own in his FrontPageMag about what the real purpose was behind the Charlottesville mayhem. Race war. But first, a little commentary of my own. There is a straight line connecting Jefferson (“We hold these truths to be self-evident:…

Collaborating to take down Trump..

Collaborating. It wouldn’t be using too much politically-sensitive hyperbole in comparing the current rough and tumble street-fighting barrage against president Trump, his family, administration, and his loyal supporters with the ‘Gunfight at the OK Corral’ on steroids! We are presently engaged in a very dangerous plot full of high stakes indeed, which will be very…

Charlottesville and extreme Leftists

Hasn’t all of this Charlottesville thing been going on at least since the 1992 Los Angeles riots and the plaintive cry of one, Rodney King ringing loud and clear – “Can’t we all just get along?” Matter of fact, it’s been going on since the 1967/68 Detroit riots and the 1968 Chicago riot during the…

The Enemy controlling DC swamp..

FrontPageMag, particularly when Daniel Greenfield is on board, serves as a morning intelligence briefing for us common folk, so be warned that the one coming up is downright scary, since the enemy is all around us. There’s all this DC swamp stuff happening right in front of us, without any significant move to prosecute the…

Deeds, not words, the best defense..

Deeds, not words, are always the best defense. Al Gore and his gang of global warmist / glacier meltists have been pounding us for decades inveighing we clueless plebs into panic-stricken catharsis about the rising sea levels, when lo and behold, we failed to notice the Washington D.C. Potomac swamp becoming infinite. Or perhaps not…

Lessons of scandal and deterrence…

Trump is flawed at many levels, but it’s clear that his election spoke to a general revulsion with lessons replete on political correctness, self-defeat, self-abasement, corruption, crony capitalism and massive government. We either work with him and recognize that his defeat will be ours, or we hand the Republic over permanently to its mortal enemies on…

Wasserman Schultz dnc subversion

Yet another Democrat scandal that somehow hasn’t made it into the Big Media news feed is last year’s ongoing Debbie Wasserman Schultz attempt at covering up her tipping of the scales towards Hillary Clinton and the dumping of Bernie Sanders on the way to the Democrat nomination. As others before me have noted, overturn almost…