Schumer shames self & party again

Since when is it okay for a Democrat to abuse a woman in public and not have to resign? Consider what we have recently witnessed from the likes of the bespectacled Schumer, crazy eyes Adam Schiff, insane Maxine Waters, mad as a hatter, wild-thing Eddie Bernice Johnson, don’t call me ma’am Barbara Boxer, Nancy-with-the-lying-eyes Pelosi – those…

Perez and Ellison take over DNC….

With a disgruntled narcissist former president sullenly organizing a smash and grab coalition of similarly-staffed narcissistic Manchurian Candidates to effectively bring down the presidency of Donald Trump before it’s barely begun, it comes as no surprise to see the DNC headed up by the likes of a Perez and an Ellison. Liberalism after all (at…

We The People Rule The Reigns……

As I opined in yesterday’s post: “In the toxic arena that houses the liberal-progressive-Democrat Left, George Soros and his ilk don’t care about Democrats, refugees, or any of their pet causes. They are a means to an end. What he does care about is causing enough chaos, terror, and anarchy to require a police state. Then, it…

The Deluded Biased Retarded Left..

While paving the way for a brand new 2017, bringing the curtain down on the rambunctious year of 2016, and dispatching it to the ash-heap of political history, there follows a quintet of ‘Hillar(y)ous’ (pun intended) video-reportage antics exposing the liberal progressive Left in its finest hour. And that would be the overwhelming underperformance of the Obama/Clinton pablum of…

New Deep Throat bedded in at FBI?

For those millennials out there and others too young to remember or even know about the Nixon Watergate scandal, the original “Deep Throat,” Mark Felt, leaked inside information to Woodward and Bernstein because he became embittered that he was passed over for promotion to the FBI Director’s slot. Woodward and Bernstein followed the trail of bread…

Influence-Peddling Clinton Brand…

From ‘bobdog’, commenter on one of the threads: “You cannot make this up. The Justice Department has acquiesced and formally joined the Clinton email re-investigation, and says they will devote “all necessary resources” to quickly review the 650,000 emails in question with the FBI, and has appointed Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik to head the…

FBI In Bid To Redeem Reputation…

If one wants an illustration of just how far the rule of law has been sublimated to the rule of lawyers and the ruling class, consider for a moment that Harry One-Eye Reid is accusing the FBI of conspiring to prevent DemoMarxist Hillary Abedin Clinton from ascending to the presidency she views as rightfully hers. Ol’…

Congress And The Enemies Within

Meanwhile, getting lost behind all the rigmarole surrounding a fainting, feeble, very sick communist nominee for president of the United States, and a character assassination coup against her opponent, the devil’s minions scurrying around the carpeted confines of Congress, have secretly been colluding in the dead of night with a covert plan to undermine the sovereignty of…

Guccifer 2.0 Friday Dump Cell Info

Talk about a Friday Dump! I know that I shouldn’t laugh, but this just gets better and better. Guccifer 2.0’s message is very important. Pay attention: “As you see the U.S. presidential elections are becoming a farce, a big political performance where the voters are far from playing the leading role. Everything is being settled behind the…

TWA 800 Coverup Won’t Go Away..

Following up from my last week’s piece on the conspiratorial downing of TWA 800, titled Clinton Admin TWA 800 Coverup, I bring you James Sanders, who was the first investigative reporter to get beyond the TWA 800 press releases issued by the FBI, and paid a high price for doing so. “If Sanders seems a bit cynical, the…