The Evil Contortions Of Liberalism

Two related articles today covering the same topic, which would be the insane irrationality of the liberal-leftists, or as I describe in the header – The Evil Contortions Of Liberalism. Way back in 1959, iconic conservative, William F. Buckley wrote a book titled “Up From Liberalism”, a scathing treatise on what Buckley described as “the…

The Magic Box of Leftism…

I could not have said it better myself – “wisest asshats” indeed (Penn and Teller!). When liberal-leftists (read that Democrats) start to “fix things” you can expect one thing for sure – they’re not only not getting “fixed” but they will certainly be far worse for the effort. Plus, you will see added benefits such as…

Obama’s Dismantling Of America

Obama’s dismantling of America. From a guaranteed right to hormone therapy for transgendered illegal aliens, to a prospective Attorney General saying that illegals have the same right to a job as US citizens or legal immigrants, the ongoing sham of the Obama administration’s under-the-radar policies get seen in the light of day in Bill Whittle’s…

The Foxes Control The Hen House..

“Asking whether or not a victim is telling the truth is irrelevant. It’s just not important if they are telling the truth.” The truth has absolutely no meaning to the liberal-progressive-leftists. The ends always justify the means. Stand in the way of the “progessive” putsch and you will be belittled, besmirched, slandered and defamed. The…

Manchurian Trojan Horse Plant

The Manchurian Trojan Horse Plant. So let’s take stock shall we, on what the fraud in the White House has brought on the nation in just 6 short years, while remembering that if we don’t take SOME action against this Islamic Jihadist Communist Muslim, there won’t be a Constitutional Republic of the United States left…

All We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself…

All we have to fear is fear itself. This ebola may pass without ultimate widespread disaster (not applicable to the households directly hit by it and the economic damage done to all) – but if we survive it with relatively little damage done we should understand it as a warning that in the pipeline of…

Scattershooting To Learn From The Past : Gems Of Wisdom

Scattershooting to learn from the past … Andrew Klavan is spot on. Liberals are too stupid to “get it” so when a liberati comments forgive them for their ignorance. Liberal-leftist-progressive-Alinskyite-DemoMarxists live in a perpetual state of victimization. They have suggestions, but contrary to the liberal mantra of “there is no such thing as a dumb…

A Lawless Administration On Full Display…

Fox News’ Neil Cavuto has solved the riddle of why we can’t call the beheading of a woman in Oklahoma terrorism: it’s because liberals are too cowardly to call anything what it actually is. Take, for example, Nancy Pelosi’s recent obnoxious correction of a reporter asking a question about illegal immigrants. “Are you referring to…

President Liar On Cruise Control…

A collage of President Liar on cruise control and how he continues to dupe We The People by lying through his pearly-whites to orchestrate his DemoMarxist agenda … By way of introduction, here’s the now-famous quote from the piece in the Czech paper Prager Zeitungon from a few years ago, which still rings true and clear as…

President Coward On Opposite Day

Let’s backtrack a little on the beginning and immediate follow-up on the Benghazi fiasco shall we?? .. and investigate president coward on opposite day. In a Denver TV interview with Kyle Clark of NBC 9News, about a month before the 2012 General Election, the rogue fraud “president” (other than lying through his teeth on all of his…