Motorcity Detroit Destruction Pains

As most of you are aware, I’ve featured numerous times on this blog the catastrophic demise of the greater Detroit Metroplex, accompanied by pitiful pics of today’s city-wide devastation and destruction. All as a result of uninterrupted Democrat/DemoMarxist governance over periods of multiple decades. As a result of LBJs “Great Society” program of 1964-65, the…

Lies & Fairy Tales of Hillary Clinton

Hey kiddos, it’s time for Uncle Bill Whittle to read a story, a charming tale about a super breed of woman, a true leader from birth, Hillary Rob’em Clinton, so gather round and make yourselves comfortable. But before we get to the story a few remarks about who Hillary truly is, and how she got…

Trump The Conundrum To Face……

On the morning of the Iowa Caucuses, I begin the week with Bill Whittle’s latest Afterburner in which he brings a sober-thinking mind to the seeming madness perpetrated by one, Donald Trump – A case of the Latin, Caveat Emptor (translated as “Let the buyer beware”) in a seller’s market. I believe that weaning America off of…

Clock Ahmed As Islamic Front…

Musing about the dangers of life and how to avoid being “dangerized” so I went back to Obama’s Sunday night apology party, and his exhortation for us all to be on the lookout for things and people acting suspiciously. Then I came across this website from Homeland Security designed for We The People to “If…

Donald Trump and Let It Burn Plan

Scott Walker, a man elected 4 times as a Republican governor in Wisconsin, who has stood his ground against the uber-liberal teachers unions and WON, has core values. Ted Cruz, who went toe-to-toe with Republican leadership AND Obama and shut down the government in 2013, has core values. Carly Fiorina? If she doesn’t exude core…

Bill Whittle And Unlearning Stuff…

Another great, insightful, and appropriately-humorous presentation of an important relevant lesson from Bill Whittle and his Afterburner (I know, that’s not the best opening line, but) put another way, Bill Whittle once again illuminating a very important lesson in an entertaining and thought-provoking way; the question being, how did Americans become so stupid? Indeed, how stupid…

Top Five Most Racist Presidents…

In the newest edition of Afterburner, Bill Whittle sets the historical record straight on the difference between Democrats and Republicans when it comes to racism. The Republican Party was founded to end slavery while Democrats sought secession to preserve the practice. The Confederate flag, which is a big problem all of a sudden, was created by…

Vox Populi The Voice Of The People

Vox Populi the voice of the people. This mid-term election is a real conundrum for me, since it is an eerie reminder of the 2012 fiasco when all the polls, pollsters, pundits, and hangers-on, were all predicting if not a landslide, then a comfortable margin of conservative victory. Of course, it didn’t happen, and it…