Donald Trump and Let It Burn Plan

En Garde In The Bunker

En Garde In The Bunker

Scott Walker, a man elected 4 times as a Republican governor in Wisconsin, who has stood his ground against the uber-liberal teachers unions and WON, has core values. Ted Cruz, who went toe-to-toe with Republican leadership AND Obama and shut down the government in 2013, has core values. Carly Fiorina? If she doesn’t exude core values and nerves of steel, I don’t know who does. And Dr. Ben Carson is probably the strongest candidate when it comes to core values. Thankfully, there are quite a few good Republican candidates this year, Walker, Cruz, Fiorina and Carson included.

On the other hand, “bluff and bluster” Trump is not going away either. I just hope people wake up and see Donald Trump for who he actually is rather than letting their frustrations with the current situation override their reason. Otherwise, they are no better than Obama supporters in 2008. Trump loves to make big promises that sound great, but never gives any details as to how he will fulfill his promises (although he did promise to O’Reilly the other night that he would unveil his tax plan within the next three weeks). On balance, he’s really not that different from establishment candidates positioning for power. The only difference being of course is that he isn’t vying for power and money, since he has his own in very large quantities.

Trump is not my candidate of choice, although I do enjoy his comedy routine. There is however, too much “three stooges” material in his portfolio to make him viable as I believe we could do FAR better, but if the establishment has their way, we may do far worse. I find it ironic that the LGBT community bashes Republicans, when in fact they should be embracing these men with no man parts (apologies for my micro-aggressive attempt at gallows humor).

Obama’s celebrity status and the moral decline in our society have me worried moving forward, but like thousands more who are fighting for the preservation of this Republic, I will try and educate all those who will listen. There are times I miss those days of believing Liberals were cool and liked to party while Conservatives were old stodgy businessmen with no sense of humor and no empathy for the people, but once you learn the truth, it cannot be unlearned.

Anyone who is conflicted about whose interests to look out for, American citizens or illegals, is not getting my vote. We already have a President that can’t figure that one out. Check this latest Bill Whittle Afterburner to see what I mean…

If unflinching, in your face, pop-culture bravado is what it takes to put a candidate over the top with a fickle electorate, then the fun is just beginning. The Left has got nobody to offer. But the farm teams may be Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, Chris Jenner, and Taylor Swift on one side, and Angelina Jolie, Pink, Vince Vaughn and Tom Selleck on the other. Imagine the ratings if campaigning becomes Celebrity Death Match. Perhaps Hunger Games is more prescient than we expected.

Understand that Trump’s popularity is not because he is unflinching and in your face. It is because he speaks truth to the illegal alien problem when no one else will. Trump is the guy with the flamethrower that may implement the “let it burn” plan.