To paraphrase the late, great Mark Twain – “Those in the MSM have the smallest minds and the selfishest souls and the cowardliest hearts that God makes.” Even back in Mark Twain’s days we had the sheeple alphabet media!
Nine years ago today, on July 7, 2005, several bombs exploded in various trains around London. In the first flush of excited reports, the BBC reported that the police attributed the attacks to “Muslim terrorists”. Within an hour, both the “M” word and the “T” word vanished from the cowardly BBC’s reportage (known irreverently as “Al Jazeera North”) even in the face of such a major attack. This wasn’t a fact correction from the Al Jazeera BBC … the attackers were in fact MUSLIM Terrorists. The police filed their report correctly and got it spot on. It was a PC correction from “somewhere in government” that transformed the “breaking news story” into something else quite amorphous, and this political blackmail has been going on in the UK for some time now. My condolences go out to my British friends and extended family who may have lost someone in the attack. They are all owed an apology from the sheeple alphabet media.
What the lamestream/alphabet soup news media (aka the sheeple alphabet media) continues to keep under wraps, is that Islam is a political construct based on 6th century Asia Minor patriarchy that is designed to keep the people ignorant and submissive to the ruling class. It may “gussy itself up” in religious terms, but it is no more a religion than is progressive-liberalism, socialism, or Alinskyite-Democrat-Marxism. In a true religion, one grows in his/her relationship with his/her God to realize his/her full potential. In Islam one can only grow to his full potential of conformity and submission to those who tell you what is the will of Allah, the Moon god of Mecca, since it is unknowable to anyone but the highly trained. Flash back to the debacle of the Peanut President in 1979 relinquishing 3000 years of Persian Sovereignty, and handing it to the Barbarians-at-the-Gate – One Hellishly-convicted Grand Mullah known as Ayatollah Khomeini – and thus sending the entire planet into discombobulation. Thank you “Jimmah Cartah” American Imam of Iran, and the first of the sheeple alphabet media morons.
As a testament to the irrational historical behavior of the Peanut President, the “Religion of Peace” (ie Islamic Muslimism) and its version of a parent-teacher meeting took place in France this past Friday, an event thoroughly and truthfully reported upon by ….. (snore) ….. (snore) ….. (snore) ….. Absolutely NO-ONE in the aforementioned lamestream/alphabet soup news media. Not one of the sheeple alphabet media reported on this Islamic Jihadist MUSLIM travesty. Not ONE.
In this upcoming segue` from Selwyn Duke in American Thinker, we learn about a gruesome murder that took place in a French Kindergarten/First Grade School whereby a “mother” stabbed a schoolteacher to death in front of a class of five and six-year-olds.
Yours truly has two conclusions about this story: 1) The media constantly, and infuriatingly, refuses to tell us the truth, so they keep lying, prevaricating, obfuscating, and denying the reality of an Islamic Jihadist Muslim threat to Western Civilization; and 2) Islamic Jihadist Muslims are incapable of living in civilized society – they are crazy, enraged, ideologically-bereft slaves who are so indoctrinated by their masters of hatred – the Mullahs and Imams – that they go willingly to their demonic rest blowing themselves into smithereens for the cause of Satan; while the sheeple alphabet media go quietly into the night.
ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION – It is an evil, demonic, Satanic ideological cult of death, mayhem, fear, and slavery, and it is funded by the same Satanic, demonic spirit that is hell-bent on taking America down with it; and the sheeple alphabet media are tagging right along with them to the brink of their own demise.
RESIST IT at every turn and repent America – REPENT – REPENT – REPENT!
Now on to Selwyn Duke and the truth of the sheeple alphabet media ..
It was headlining AOL on Friday: a story about a woman stabbing a schoolteacher to death in front of a class of five and six-year-olds. The gruesome and bloody crime occurred in the southern French town of Albi; the victim was a 34-year-old mother of two.
But a certain bit of information is conspicuously missing from virtually all the reportage. We’re told the killer was under the impression that the teacher had accused her five-year-old daughter of theft. We’re told she had a history of child abuse and “severe psychiatric problems.” We’re told she’s 47. And we’re told she’s a she. But her name is nowhere to be found, and information about her background is…well, you’ll see.
This isn’t true of the victim. Every news source I checked provided her name. The International Business Times (IBD) even led with it in the title: “Deranged Mother Kills Teacher Fabienne Terral-Calmès in Front of Class.” The killer, however, is almost universally identified as “the mother.” But I was sure I knew what the big secret was. Those tow-headed Norwegians are at it again.
The AOL piece, from the AP, did the “The Mother” thing exclusively. Other sources, such as IBD, reported that the police have not released the attacker’s name but that she’s of Spanish origins. Ah, okay, a Franco supporter, no doubt. But I still thought I knew the truth.
So I dug further. New York’s Daily News reported that “[a]uthorities would not comment on what spurred the horrific stabbing.” The BBC said that The Mother used a “long knife.” The Telegraph identified The Mother as a “Spanishnational” (emphasis added). We’re getting closer…
I even checked the French publication L’Expresse, which, after being spit out the other end of Google Translate, told us about The Mother, “[I]t would be of Spanish nationality” (obfuscation is always a bit more interesting when processed through artificial unintelligence). The paper also tells us that the school “is located in the district Lapanouse in sensitive urban areas.”
“Sensitive urban areas.”
My, that could be the electronic translation of “scary ghettos where angry, unassimilable North African immigrants will rob you blind and beat you within an inch of your life while shouting ‘Allahu Akbar!’ and where, when you call the gendarmes, they say, ‘Are you crazy, Monsieur? We’re not setting foot in there!”
Or it could be that we’ve got nothing on the French when it comes to euphemizing.
Anyway, the “sensitive urban areas” link takes you to a demographics page that, while telling you nothing about race that I can see (I hear they can’t collect that kind of information in France), gives you all sorts of statistics relating to income, education, employment, etc. Because hey, we know that everything boils down to economics. Allahu Milton Friedman.
But now we come to the U.K.’s Daily Mail. Ah, the headline-hungry Mail. It actually tells us in a subtitle that The Mother – get the digitalis and hold on to your hat – is “Moroccan-born.”
Of Spanish descent and of Catholic background, I’m sure.
Now, come on, lamestream media, you can do it. Say, “Mus…lah…” That’s it, come on, concentrate. “Musl…l…l…ugh…”
Okay, clear your throat, take a sip of water, and, you know, if at first you don’t succeed…