Proof of election law nixed by Jan 6

En Garde in the bunker…

Margot Cleveland, The Federalist: “The Jan. 6 select committee and the legacy media outlets promoting the show trial completely ignore, however, the verifiable evidence of systemic violations of election law, illegal voting, and the constitutionally deficient execution of the November 2020 election—including issues Trump challenged following the election … Trump hammered accusations of fraud in Fulton County, claiming counterfeit ballots secreted in suitcases and vote-flipping by Dominion Voting Systems gave Biden the victory. But Trump also contested the Georgia results based on evidence indicating that tens of thousands of illegal votes were improperly counted.”

Which is all by way of pushing the narrative that the rigging and fraud of the 2020 election – still in existence and fully palatable – must be prosecuted and the perps running the Jan 6 fiasco-sham punished severely under the auspices of Law and Order. Nothing of substance can, nor must, wait until 2025; the “Red States” must show their mettle and move now to make the runaway federal government as it presently exists null and void.

Proof of election law nixed by Jan 6. JoeBamaHarris & ‘killing America’…

A booming, prosperous and free-market economy is the mortar that keeps any country from devolving into chaos, crime, deviance and all kinds of moral corruption. Kill the economy, you kill the country, which appears to be the goal of the demoMarxocrat globalist cabal of billionaires who’ve completely taken over the Constitutional Republic, lock, stock, and barrel. And all under the management of an incompetent, decrepit old dementia-riven village idiot and his sidekick the giggle-queen.

As Jeffrey Folks expresses it down below: “Biden’s weakness has emboldened our enemies, and their actions pose a threat to our security. This is the way major wars begin. They can be prevented only by the projection of force of the kind we saw under President Trump, and Biden projects about as much force as a lady’s fan. His weakness will get us into another war, and our young men and women will die in that war. There is death hanging over us, and Biden seems oblivious, fumbling with his note cards to find some kind of answer.”

There appears to be very little chance of a second demented-idiot term (thank GOD) but just another two and a half years is painful to imagine. How many thousands will lose their lives because of one incompetent and wrong-headed leader? How far will America go into danger and destruction?  And how much more difficult will it be for our next president Trump or a Trump lookalike, to repair the damage and Make America Safe Again?

Margot Cleveland, The Federalist: ‘Jan 6 Committee Completely Sidestepped Systemic Violations of Law and More’ …

In its attempt to blame former President Donald Trump for the crimes committed on January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol, House Democrats have spent the week focused on Trump’s unsupported claims of widespread election fraud. The Jan. 6 select committee and the legacy media outlets promoting the show trial completely ignore, however, the verifiable evidence of systemic violations of election law, illegal voting, and the constitutionally deficient execution of the November 2020 election—including issues Trump challenged following the election.

Georgia provides a peach of an example. President Biden won Georgia and the state’s 16 electoral votes by a margin of 11,779 individual votes, but before the state certified the results of the November 2020 election, Trump challenged the outcome, raising several issues both in and out of court. Trump hammered accusations of fraud in Fulton County, claiming counterfeit ballots secreted in suitcases and vote-flipping by Dominion Voting Systems gave Biden the victory. But Trump also contested the Georgia results based on evidence indicating that tens of thousands of illegal votes were improperly counted. [-]

[+] … Last July, the secretary of state’s office confirmed to The Federalist that its “investigation into the approximately 35,000 residents who moved from one county to another more than 30 days before the election remain[ed] ongoing.” But follow-up outreaches to Raffensperger and key members of his staff inquiring on the status of the investigation went unanswered.

Meanwhile, the Jan. 6 Committee continues to spin challenges to the November 2020 election as concerning nothing but nonsensical claims of voter fraud. With the corrupt media’s cooperation, the vast majority of Americans may never learn of the systemic violations of election law, illegal voting, and the disparate treatment of voters in violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution, the latter seen most clearly with the infiltration of funding from Mark Zuckerberg to targeted Democratic-heavy populations.

Heck, it’s unlikely most members of Congress know of these systemic problems with our electoral system. But with midterms around the corner and Democrats likely facing a bloodbath, don’t be surprised if left-leaning politicians and their friends in the press discover substantial problems in about five months’ time. [end]

Full link below with other….

Proof of election law nixed by Jan 6. Biden’s dementia poke it or dump it …dementia rules…

Leadership emanates from someone you would likely follow to a place intended for mental, physical, emotional, and psychological strength from whom you develop the will / tenacity to venture there alone. People the likes of the dementia-riven people of the world aren’t leaders by that definition, even questionable if he/she is a leader of the executive branch of government. What the current idiots portray is that they assume authority while we the plebs are the ones to be ruled, and not governed. Or so they believe.

An administration filled with the likes of Garland, Blinken, Yellen, Butterplug and scores of others etal, weren’t the “cool kids” in high school, but more than likely the emotionally, physically, and psychologically-bullied kids, who now, like Heinrich Himmler and others before them, with unfettered executive power, they are booted and spurred, and out for revenge, to which we the innocents, become the focus of their revenge. Hallmark!

Empty, feckless, and most certainly a buffoon who stammers and spits as he tries desperately to hang on to thoughts which vanish mid-sentence, it becomes both sad and comical while extraordinarily dangerous for the one time leading super power. Another year of this and we’d likely be at war with one or more of our rivals. Ouch!

And on that note, time for today’s MAGA Pill – Warrior-President Donald John Trump – MAGA! KAG!
