Dinesh D’Souza discussing his blockbuster book and movie of the same title “America” was on with Jamie Glazov this week and it was an absorbing 37 minutes or so; especially the last 15 minutes beginning at the 21:15 mark where he brings the whole Alinskyite Satanic mess into play on the demonic ideology underpinning everything that the Clinton’s, Obama, and the rest of the DemoMarxists run on. The Republican machine must by now recognize that the DemoMarxist bible is Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and if you know your opponent’s playbook, there is absolutely no reason to lose to them. Just look for instance, at what they did to Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann. If I were planning a campaign, I would make darn sure that everyone knows about Alinsky and make the Alinskyite charge as onerous as the favorite progressive target, one Joseph McCarthy; let the DemoMarxists choke on their own hateful vomit. Alinsky, the most evil man who ever drew breath. He must be hung around the neck of Obama and Hillary, especially Hillary, both of whom saw Alinsky as a hero; Obama, Hillary, Alinsky & Progressives – Poison Ivy…
Meanwhile, the lying Witch of Benghazi is floundering around under the weight of her new “extenda-glasses” attempting to hoodwink her unsuspecting fawning followers to “please – P L E A S E – take a few more books to the woodshed for me” but apparently they’re not cooperating. People have a ton of their own “Hard Choices” to consider without worrying about Billary and her impoverishment, especially over a “book” (snicker, snicker) which is selling slightly better than the latest copy of “Peeling Wallpapers I Like to Look At While Filling Out Extensive Paperwork – Vol XIII” and her book tour continues to be an embarrassing disaster. Sad to say isn’t it? But it couldn’t happen to a more deserving malcontent … Obama, Hillary, Alinsky & Progressives – Poison Ivy…
Finally comes Dennis Miller to put a wrap around the current mess, in his own inimitable way. As in these highlights:
“Nancy Pelosi is Bat Shit Crazy. I guarantee you that woman sleeps upside down.”
“Netanyahu, who lost his brother at Entebbe, is going to go only so far and then he’s going to put the big portobello over Iran and, guess what, like it or not we are going to have to back that play.”
“I have a friend who knows a realtor in Tehran working for an outfit called ‘Century 4’.”
“Nancy Pelosi’s twitch rate makes a hummingbird’s wings look glacial.”
.. Obama, Hillary, Alinsky & Progressives – Poison Ivy …
And the latest reminder of the “new and improved” version of the phrase “Panty-Waisted-Metro-Girly-Men” … Progressive liberals who happen to be unpleasant women lacking in pulchritude, which is to say most among their political class, count on it. The default response to the finger-waggling from an unappealing woman in a pantsuit with a piercing voice, is to acquiesce. San Fran Nan, obviously, expects it … “Pulchritudinous” it definitely is NOT – PERIOD! .. Obama, Hillary, Alinsky & Progressives – Poison Ivy …
Lord help our Republic, and let our cry come unto thee .. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Amen. Maranatha!