To illustrate what an absolute disaster is on the hands of We The People from the narcissistic nobody in the White House acting as if he were “president” or something, I present three diverse pieces of evidence that the boy-emperor and his nakedness are in plain view of anybody with half a brain. First up is the in-your-face rambunctiousness of Mark Levin, well-schooled in matters of the Constitutional Law of this Republic, and author of several lucid books on how to restore greatness back to this nation. Like many on the conservative side of the media, Levin was one of the first to call out this fraud for what he is, and what he has eventually revealed to all citizens of America. Levin:Turley:Matthews unravel the fraud president…
Next up comes another well-schooled scholar of the Constitutional Republic and a strong early supporter of the fraud “president,” Jonathan Turley, Professor of Law at George Washington University Law School; hardly an enemy of the liberal-progressive Alinskyite Democrat-Marxists, yet who has become a stern critic of the faux “president” and his anti-Constitutional “phone and pen” lawlessness. Note that he draws Congress into this responsibility, especially where they have purse-string authority, and a rather long tether on the lawless actions of any president – Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent or whatever other stripe of ideology. Levin:Turley:Matthews unravel the fraud president…
And lastly, we come to “ole Tingly-Thigh” the one-man cheerleader whose thigh(s) on election night “Numero Uno” was/were tingling with delight from top to bottom at the election of the (supposed) first black president of the United States. Well, not quite of course, since the dearly-departed Maya Angelou had already dubbed Bill Clinton as the “official first black president” many years prior to anyone knowing who this emerging community organizer from the South Side of Chicago was. Note the very obvious changed perception of adulation from Chrissy Matthews in this clip, who seems to be longing more for the presidential demeanor of the man that he and his former boss Tip O’Neill worked with during the 80s, than anything this current fraud could ever emulate. RWR a REAL president, versus a faux fraud attempting to act like a “president.” Levin:Turley:Matthews unravel the fraud president….
So there you have it, three diverse illustrations of criticism/ranking/behavior/impact on presidential demeanor and influence from three highly qualified observers who have witnessed and worked with, various presidential personas going back to the Carter years. What is unique about the situation today and what makes it truly scary is the fact that we have never before had a faux “president” who was so openly contemptuous of our economic and political systems. Every single influence on Barack Hussein Obama’s upbringing called for the destruction of our economic and political systems. Obama’s father was a communist. His “uncle” Frank Marshal Davis was a communist. Davis’s best friend was Valerie Jarrett’s father – a communist. Jarrett’s father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, was arguably the best known American Communist of all time. Axelrod and Geithner also had connections.
It requires the willing suspension of truth to believe that all of Obama’s mentors who universally despised the United States failed to influence his muddled mind. There can be little doubt that the current edition of the White House occupant is severely below par from even the barest essentials of what is required of a successful Chief Executive of the United States, and who will of a certainty go down as the very worst in history. Bar none.
“I get up every morning and think, today I end capitalism.” ~ Bill Ayers, Obama mentor, or as the fraud “president” refers to him – “just a guy in the neighborhood.”
Levin:Turley:Matthews unravel the fraud president …
Sourced from RealClearPolitics and other threads/original…
It is unbelievable. Surreal.
Surreal indeed Tom, like nearly everything this “president” does on a daily basis …(!)