Leadership style and respect-or not

As numerous leadership media outlets are reporting today, Iraqis are celebrating victory over IS in Mosul, six days after the 4th of July Independence celebrations. I am reminded however, of how many tens and tens of thousands of humans have needlessly died because nine years ago We the People elected and re-elected a president without…

Day 1 Dawning of a Trump New Era

It took divine providence and a unique culmination of historic events and intellectual thought to bring about the miracle of America’s founding. Mostly it required the hardy and devout people that populated the country at the time of the declaration. They were and had to be a special breed to have survived the crossing and…

Sycophantic Press faun over Obama

Sycophantic: adjective; behaving or done in an obsequious way in order to gain advantage. Sycophant: noun. a self-seeking, servile flatterer; fawning parasite. Well, if there was ever a word(s) to describe America’s mainstream journalists, ‘sycophantic’ is perfect. The current White House Press Corps (‘corpse’ as expressed by Obama) and their corporations literally worship at the feet of our…

Russia “Flexibility” to Reset Mode…

As Morgan Chalfant explains it in the Washington Free Beacon: “In his first term, Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton collaborated on a failed “reset” policy with Russia. The reset was meant to reverse what Obama described as a “dangerous drift” in bilateral cooperation between the United States and Russia.” “Obama and other Democrats scrutinizing Russia…

Paranoia And Mystery Theories..

Blog posts like the one coming up from Richard Fernandez in PJMedia which he labels “Just Because You’re Paranoid..” and the discussions these posts inspire always cause in me a profound unrest. I get to feeling like such a chump for being a reasonably decent law-abiding rules-following chap, and am reminded of Jeremiah 12:1-2 wherein the prophet…

Putin Parlays Obama Policy Putsch

“Nero fiddled while Rome burned” is about as accurate a description of what America’s “golfer-in-chief” has going for him at the moment; albeit it is the metaphor of “shaft, chip, burn, and putt” on fairway and green that holds his intense interest at the moment and not the fact that “Vlad the Bad from Leningrad” is…

Putin Unraveled – The Bad, The Ugly, The Truth…

So why is it the “Smart People” don’t think that evil exists (ie liberal-leftist-Alinskyite-DemoMarxist-Communists)? Maybe if they did then they would have to come to terms with other things they think is OK. Abortion-on-demand (55,000,000 murders so far, since 1973), Euthanasia, just to name two. The “Smart People” always say that reality is not black…