What if Trump were president now

What if Trump were president now

Just prior to the Hamas massacre of 1400 Israelis, Saudi Arabia was on the verge of signing on to the Abrams Accord. This accord had the intended consequence of isolating the Palestinians and Iran. Iran with all the sanctions applied by President Trump had no resources to support proxies to attack Israel under Biden with their oil sales profits of $80 billion per month.

Iran having no other choice for self-survival ordered Hamas to attack Israel knowing Israel would retaliate with USA support and force Arab states to support Hamas and end Saudi’s interest in the Abrams Accord. This was Iran’s sole goal and it may well succeed….


Lynne Lechter, American Thinker: Amid this nightmare of global anti-Semitism with its attendant cries of: ‘kill the f***ing Jews, Allah Akbar, from the river to the sea,’ one can only lament the fact that Donald Trump is not president. President Biden may have acted as a “good friend” to Israel, and it is clear that the diplomatic task at hand is fraught with complications. But he and Secretary of State Antony Blinken are sending mixed messages when they talk about how Gaza will be governed after hostilities end, and their vision of a two-state solution. Also, while so far giving Israel free rein, that have not yet used the legal tools at their disposal to tamp down the rabid Jew hatred engulfing American campuses.

Love Trump or hate him, the world and world Jewry would be in a safer place with Trump at the helm.


What if Trump were president now…

More Lynne Lechter: Just prior to Hamas massacre of 1400 Israelis, Saudi Arabia was on the verge of signing on to the Abrams Accord. This accord had the intentioned consequence of isolating the Palestinians and Iran. Iran with all the sanctions applied by President Trump had no resources to support proxies to attack Israel. Under Biden with their oil sales profits $80 billion per month.

Iran had no other choice for self survival ordered Hamas to attack Israel knowing Israel would retaliate with USA support and force Arab states to support Hamas and end Saudi’s interest in the Abrams Accord. This was Iran’s sole goal. It may succeed…. [-]

[+] …  While in office Trump, with the help of his son-in-law Jared Kushner, initiated the Abraham Accords, bilateral agreements between select Arab nations and Israel. They sought to normalize relations and open trade routes that had been theretofore covert. The first agreements were signed at the White House on September 15, 2020, between Israel and the UAE and Israel and Bahrain. Similar agreements were subsequently signed between Israel and Morocco and Israel and Sudan. And no concomitant uprisings occurred. Moreover, Trump moved the American embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem — the predicted Arab hurricane wasn’t even a light breeze. The embassy remains intact in Jerusalem.

Prior to the October 7th attacks, it was believed that Saudi Arabia was on the verge of signing an accord as well. [-]

[+] … One of the more aggressive Penn students, Tara Trawnow, stole and burned an Israeli flag. Caught on television, she has now been arrested for her actions. Infuriatingly, she is not a citizen or a resident of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, or the United States. Rather, Trawnow has a student visa from Jordan. One can only imagine what would happen to an American student in Jordan with the temerity to steal and burn a Jordanian flag. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) is correct in his assessment that troublemakers such as Trawnow should be shipped home. Does anyone doubt that Trump would not have already expeditiously exported Trawnow and her ilk?

Thankfully, Trump’s diplomatic triumphs persist. The Arab countries just held a summit. While they have condemned Israel’s actions in Gaza, they have not entered the war. Hezb’allah, in Lebanon, has been lobbing bombs into Northern Israel, but to date, nothing too damaging. Jordan’s Queen Noor has complained, but Jordan is not attacking.

Jewish lives matter. Israeli lives matter. While campaigning in 2016, Donald Trump made a number of promises. He delivered on all of them. [end]

Full link below…

What if Trump were president now … O wait!

Literally everything would be better if Trump were President now… “Amid this nightmare of global anti-Semitism, one can only lament the fact that Donald Trump is not president.” – agreed and time to understand that the good guys don’t always win; lots of golfing to do; let America die in the gutter of shame it has created? 2024 will be no different than 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2023, since our Supreme Court made sure of that with their no standing edict.

Fortunately or unfortunately, our fearless Donald John Trump has his words spot-on while covering the antics of his feral opposition. Not only will the left continue their cheating scams that they’ve perfected in elections, but if our fearless president manages to squeak through all their bogus suits and prosecutions lined up, one must fear that he covers the same dangerous position that President John F. Kennedy had prior to his departure from this world for trying to buck the deep state. We live in an unsafe world and must, MUST, protect and defend our precious human treasure.

And on that note, time for today’s MAGA Pill – President Donald John Trump – MAGA! KAG!
