Islam and David Cameron – a cautious capitulation taking place? Britain, it would seem, has/is already being buried under the Islamic onslaught of crazy immigration open borders in some ways much more porous than our southern border with Mexico. Last year’s slaughter of the innocent soldier right in full view of a stunned populace in the middle of a weekday afternoon, is but the latest in a long string of outrageous “in your face” Islamic atrocities that unless confronted and put down harshly, will inevitably lead to Britain becoming the European Northern Caliphate. And Cameron the wimp seems hardly concerned.
It is of course true that Cameron should have studied Islam independently from the Conservative Muslim Forum, Baroness Sayeeda Warsi (the unelected Minister for Faith and Communities) and his advisers (i.e., the higher civil servants). After all, he was 35 years old when 9/11 occurred and 39 when 7/7 occurred in the city of London. He will now also know about the massive Muslim grooming of young non-Muslim girls in the UK. He knows about the 85 or more sharia courts in his country, the weekly political activism of Islamists on the streets of the UK, the 15 foiled Islamic terrorist attacks between only 2005 and 2008, etc. He also knows about the the Taliban, the Islamic civil wars in Iraq and Syria. He may even know about the Islamist slaughter of over one and a half million Sudanese Christians and black animists in the 1990s and 2000s.
In fact David Cameron is even on record as having criticized what he then called “Islamists”. That was in 2005. The “neoconservative” writer, Douglas Murray, at around about the same time, also suggested that things should be done to slow down the Islamization of Europe. What happened to him? The Conservative Party ostracized him. In addition, a Conservative Party MP by the name of Michael Gove wrote a book, in 2006, calledCelsius 7/7. This book is about Islamism and the threat of Islamic terrorism in Europe. Michael Gove has been almost silent on these issues ever since. You may have heard of him: he’s now the Sectary of State for Education; working under David Cameron.
Paul Austin Murphy continues with Islam and David Cameron…