Let’s begin with denial, shall we? As the old joke would have it, “Denial is not a river in Egypt” thus the latest lying spokes-face of the “most transparent administration in history” has a rather unfortunate name, ending in “earnest.” Throw in “Josh” and you have a combination for disaster .. “joshing in earnest while lying through your teeth” .. NOT recommended for the highest office on the planet.
Let us hear what he had to say from the White House lawn, but remember, mere steps away from the podium of destruction… The importance of being dis-Earnest.
Yup … Count ’em, “joshing in earnest while lying through his teeth” lied 13 times in 45 seconds, while the rogue fraud “president” repeated his “no strategy” claim 5 times. The importance of being dis-Earnest. Next up, Richard Engel on Meet the Press with Andrea Mitchell sitting in for Bob Schieffer, is hardly positive about the lack of action/direction from the rogue fraud “president”… However, we must still remember that this is NBC, albeit they seem to be getting a mite testy about the ineptitude of the White House occupant…
Next, Ed Henry takes on the “joshing in earnest while lying through his teeth” and keeps hammering at the door of truth, albeit to no real avail .. If nothing else, it’s a constant reminder of how these lying “spokes-faces” in whatever current form (remember Gibbs-the-Gab, followed by Barney-Carney-Circus-Clown) have lies, deceit, prevarication, and lugubrious obfuscation on their minds the instant they hit the podium of destruction … The importance of being dis-Earnest.
Just to confirm that the panty-waisted-Metro-Girly-man poncing around We The People’s mansion (doesn’t he look just darling my dear, in his taupe-and-tan summer-romance ensemble?) actually did say, multiple times, that he is “sans-strategy” and is more concerned with going off to fund-raise and enjoy a wedding or two .. MMmmmm, that then, explains the taupe-and-tan-summer-romance ensemble .. (is Reggie hiding in the bushes somewhere? – shoot!! don’t mention the Bush’s for goodness’ sake..) The importance of being dis-Earnest.
And how a REAL leader handles a crisis … David Cameron however, is still separating the “religion of Islam” from “political Islam” when in reality, they are one and the same. Islam is through and through a prescription for totalitarianism and violent imperialism and subjugation. Britain is being systematically colonized from the infiltrated inside-out. Back in the summer of 2001 (just weeks before “9/11”) I was labeled an “alarmist” in a “boiling frog debate” of the Islamic Muslim invasion of Britain:
“Snap out of the trance, I warned – You Are Being Colonized. Your great great grandchildren will suffer the brutal reality of the Islamic take over of Europe. Your grandchildren’s heads will be hacked off or they will live in medieval subjugation to their Muslim masters. Many of your daughters are already sex slaves in your own land. That is their plan. They have been saying so for over a thousand years. The openness and tolerance of the west is not contagious to these colonizers despite your strong delusions.”
However – in comparison to the rogue fraud “president” play-acting from the White House, this is like seeing Churchill versus Chamberlain…
The importance of being dis-Earnest – Oops, dishonest, indeed.
Sources Washington Free Beacon; Truth Revolt; and various other archives…