Go Ahead, Make …
Now, why, you might ask, would a Nazi sympathizer named George Soros want a Nationalized police force in the United States? Oh yeah, never mind .. Continuing on then with the Soros Search, highlighting his threat to the entire world, but particularly-so the United States, I bring you yet another chapter from the latest document dump which reveals the depths to which this criminal has infiltrated into the very heart of governance of the Constitutional Republic. Between him and the Muslim Brotherhood it’s debatable as to who/which is more dangerous.
Soros’s diabolical schemes of “reform” are always the same — exploit any racial or political crisis to foment distrust and insurrection, then aim to discredit elected Authority. After that, take away any local or jurisdictional discretion from the region and replace it with the dictates of Soros-inspired globalist traitors who are bought and paid for. None of this should come as a surprise, because OBO the Clown Prince of Fools if you recall, accidentally revealed his desire for a second army back in 2008, calling for a “civilian national security force”, remember?
As I’ve mentioned many times before, Soros is a monster, having used his vast wealth to topple governments in Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan. He destroyed the British pound, has wreaked havoc on the Malaysian ringgit, and is called an “economic war criminal” in Thailand. A French court convicted him of insider trading, his profits for committing these atrocities being multiple billions of dollars. He has destroyed countless millions of lives to increase his personal wealth and force the common man into the slavery of Marxism. It’s a wonder to me that we allow foreign nationals to involve themselves in US policy decisions, never mind why Soros hasn’t been banned from the United States, as he has been in other countries.
But one thing is very clear – if We The People don’t do something about George Soros, and real quick like, the America we’ve known for the past 240 years will have been totally transformed into the hellhole promised by OBO the Clown Prince of Fools back on October 30, 2008 – “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America”.
In the immortal words of author Claire Wolfe: “America is at that awkward stage. It’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.” Time for the pitchforks maybe?
First up, Breitbart…
A leaked document from George Soros’ Open Society Foundations exposes the billionaire’s level of involvement in attempting to build what his organization describes as a “national movement” to reform local police forces across the U.S. The reform largely consists of federal guidelines for local police forces.
The document identifies an opportunity in the police killings of African-American men in Ferguson, Staten Island, North Charleston, and Baltimore. It relates that the U.S. contingent of Open Society held a planning meeting titled, “Police Reform: How to Take Advantage of the Crisis of the Moment and Drive Long-Term Institutional Change in Police-Community Practice.”
The extensive memo further documents that Soros-financed groups and personalities influenced President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing, which last May released a final report consisting of 60 recommendations providing guidance to localities on how to modify policing practices.
Read to completion in Breitbart…
And yet another scary one from the pages of Politico…
George Soros’ quiet overhaul of the U.S. justice system
Progressives have zeroed in on electing prosecutors as an avenue for criminal justice reform, and the billionaire financier is providing the cash to make it happen.
While America’s political kingmakers inject their millions into high-profile presidential and congressional contests, Democratic mega-donor George Soros has directed his wealth into an under-the-radar 2016 campaign to advance one of the progressive movement’s core goals — reshaping the American justice system.
The billionaire financier has channeled more than $3 million into seven local district-attorney campaigns in six states over the past year — a sum that exceeds the total spent on the 2016 presidential campaign by all but a handful of rival super-donors.
His money has supported African-American and Hispanic candidates for these powerful local roles, all of whom ran on platforms sharing major goals of Soros’, like reducing racial disparities in sentencing and directing some drug offenders to diversion programs instead of to trial.
Read to completion in Politico…