And yet another ingrained truth that the Alinskyite progressive-liberal Marxist DemonCrats refuse to address or accept, which is the Dems unerring legacy of leaving poverty wherever they land … Those of us who have witnessed first-hand the misery and wreckage brought on cities and areas run by DemonCrats are witness to the truth the Dems don’t like. As a for instance, what can Clintonista-Robert Reich defend on this list?? Newt skewers him:
City, State, % of People Below the Poverty Level
1. Detroit, MI 32.5%
2. Buffalo, NY 29.9%
3. Cincinnati, OH 27.8%
4. Cleveland, OH 27.0%
5. Miami, FL 26.9%
5. St. Louis, MO 26.8%
7. El Paso, TX 26.4%
8. Milwaukee, WI 26.2%
9. Philadelphia, PA 25.1%
10. Newark, NJ 24.2%
What do the top ten cities (over 250,000) with the highest poverty rate all have in common?
Detroit, MI .. (1st on the poverty rate list) hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since 1961
Buffalo, NY (2nd) hasn’t elected one since 1954
Cincinnati, OH – (3rd) since 1984
Cleveland, OH – (4th) since 1989
Miami, FL – (5th) has never had a Republican mayor
St. Louis, MO – (6th) since 1949
El Paso, TX – (7th) has never had a Republican mayor
Milwaukee, WI -(8th) since 1908
Philadelphia, PA -(9th) since 1952
Newark, NJ – (10th) since 1907
Read more on the Dems unerring legacy, leaving poverty wherever they land, right here…