God bless Charlie Daniels for voicing what so many Americans have been trying to express for years. In many ways, he has been ahead of Donald Trump in his exhortations against deceit and corruption in government. Our great nation is no longer a leader among nations and we currently stand on the brink of financial ruin. Our political leaders are corrupt and our so-called “Commander in Chief” is a disgrace and traitor to our brave military. We have been lied to and betrayed over and over and over again. We are fed up with a leader who is out of control and a government that is bought and paid for by corporations and special interest groups (Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Gyorgy Schwartz-Soros anyone??)
For anyone in this country to honestly believe the treaty with Iran will protect us is sad indeed. Read the Qur’an. Study history. Our first war (ie “Jefferson’s War”) with Islamic Muslims was the foundation for the Marine hymn “to the shores of Tripoli”. We fought them and won, albeit, it took eight years to do so. We knew our enemy. The Qur’an clearly states Islamic Muslims can enter into any treaty, agreement, etc., knowing ahead of time they can sit there and smile, shake their heads in agreement and not honor one word of it; it is know as “taqiyya”. I have communicated with the Senators who are on the committee reviewing the treaty now – they are objecting to many items in the treaty, one major point is that Iran will investigate their own nuclear facilities, they will report to us to tell us they are not making war heads. How stupid can anyone be? If only Americans would listen, research for themselves, read their Bibles and wise up.
Thank you Charlie Daniels. I admire the fact that you have the stones to write these letters condemning the government bureaucracy of the United States of America primarily because it so desperately needs to be done. You are “spot on” in describing your disgust with the current sad state of this once mighty Union. Indeed, a true patriot must always be ready to defend his/her country from its government. I just hope it isn’t too late for something to be done to reverse the direction in which the good old USA is currently headed.
Our nation has turned its back on God and the Bible, who the Founding Fathers relied on each and every step of their journey in establishing this Nation. The American people turned their backs on the Lord in June 1963 when they simply abided the ruling of 8 of the 9 Supreme Court Black-Robed Executioners, all mere mortal men, when they banned the Bible and Prayer from our nation’s schools; it had been the cornerstone of educating our youngest citizens going back 300 years! Time to get back to basics, wouldn’t you say?
Now on to Charlie Daniels and his “Open Letter to Congress” …
I am a proud American who believes that America has held – and still holds – a very sensitive and special place in the affairs of mankind on Planet Earth. I believe that America has been divinely blessed and protected in our two centuries plus of existence.
I believe that America has been a counter balance that has cancelled out a lot of tyranny, evil and conquest and, admittedly, we have made a lot of mistakes, but on balance we have exerted a certain Pax Americana in the international affairs of mankind.
It took a lot of old fashioned guts for the Continental Congress to stand up to the world’s mightiest military and tell them that we demanded our independence, even at the peril of going up against a far superior force on land and sea with a ragtag army of untrained citizens, many who had to supply their own firearms.
It took courage above and beyond for Abraham Lincoln to push the country into a Civil War that he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt would divide this nation for decades.
It took guts to give the order for American troops to storm the beaches of Normandy on D-Day, straight into the face of artillery and machine gunfire, wave after wave being cut to ribbons by German shore emplacements.
The history of this nation is written in the blood and courage of men who stood in the face of overwhelming odds, politicians, soldiers, statesmen and ordinary citizens who sought to do the right thing regardless of the cost or the consequences.
Well, ladies and gentlemen of the United States Congress, it seems that that particular pen has run out of ink. The courageous politicians that once championed this nation have been replaced, for the most part, by a breed of milksop, politically correct, scared of their own shadow, pushover, pathetic excuses for public servants who are supposed to be representing a constituency of citizens who have to live with the circumstances of their timid folly.
You don’t even have the courage to face down an out of control president, even when he makes a deal with the devil. Don’t you bunch of timid capons even care what kind of world you’re leaving to your children and grandchildren, not to even mention the rest of us? Are you really party partisans before you’re parents and grandparents or even human beings?
Be honest with yourselves a minute, go into the bathroom and look in the mirror and ask the person you see this question.
“Do I really believe that Iran will not use the money we’re releasing to them to finance terrorists to kill Americans, and, when, not if, but when, the Iranians develop their nuclear device, will they really use it against America and Israel?”
You can’t hide from the truthful answer to that question forever, an answer will be required of you one day.
You have allowed Obama to tilt the Supreme Court so far to the left that they’re little more than a shameful extension of the Executive Branch.
You have talked for decades about the porous southern border but have done absolutely nothing about it.
You have allowed cities in this nation to declare themselves sanctuary cities where they protect the worst of the worst criminal aliens, American citizens paying an awful price for your silence.
You watch an impossible National Debt balloon completely out of control knowing full well that a day of reckoning is coming that will seriously curtail the quality of life for coming generations.
You allow corrupt government agencies like the IRS to run over the very people you are sworn to protect and allow the entitlement society to expand exponentially while you actually entertain the idea of raising taxes on those who still work and shoulder the burden.
You compose a third of the constitutionally mandated ruling system and you shirk your duty
and allow this nation to move a little closer to the edge every day.I wish you bunch of sold-out, jaded, burned-out hacks would just go home and let some people who still have some vision and whose consciences haven’t been seared past the point of reminding them when they’re wrong take over and start to claw this nation back on to the path of sanity,
Your ratings are in the single digits, your morals are in the gutter, your minds are on self-preservation and somewhere along the way you traded your honor for political expediency.
You’ve violated your oaths, you’ve betrayed your country you’ve feathered your nests and you’ve sat on your hands while an imperial president has rubbed your noses in the dirt time after time.
You’re no longer men, you’re puppets, you’re caricatures, jokes, a gaggle of fading prostitutes for sale to anybody who can do you a political favor.
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
What do you think?
Pray for our troops and the peace of Jerusalem.
God Bless America
Charlie Daniels