Boris & Don ‘green deal’ of century?

En Garde in the bunker…

With the entire what passes for the DemoMarxist party doing their level best to shred whatever’s left of their flailing ’empire’ (must be the dog-days of August or something), wily president Trump is going about his business like a chess Master – 40 games on the go with his back turned away from the boards while not missing a move or losing a game.

Lord please keep him safe.

With the latest G7 on the horizon this coming weekend, our great president is overloading the globalist lefties with targeted strikes from every direction on all they hold dear. Now it is the EU and its freeloading and unfair treatment of the US.

The Brussels crowd will be gelded, everyone will know it, and will want a deal the likes of which Boris Johnson and the president struck just yesterday. The non-UK part of Ireland was badly screwed by the EU, and they will want to deal. Especially after Boris, quote, “DEMANDS Brussels drops plan for ‘unviable’ backstop and replace it with a new legal commitment to avoid hard border in Ireland!”

Yes, my friends, the ‘green’ in Greenland has quite a few rich mineral deposits that aren’t being exploited due to ‘environment concerns’. Greenlanders as a whole are very poor, the fact being that Denmark has to subsidize them. So the downside would posit that Denmark wouldn’t sell – due to that ‘national pride’ thingy. But as the old saying goes, ‘a plan not attempted is always impossible’.

Besides which, most of Greenland is geologically very old. I remember as a student eons ago, studying the topography of Greenland. If AGW does cause the Greenland ice cap to melt, it would expose a huge area for mining exploration. I don’t know how far they have gotten studying the geology through the ice, but likely with all the modern gizmos, it shouldn’t pose much of a problem. Just one other Sudbury Basin would be a huge find.

Nevertheless, it heralds the return of the nation states!

‘Sundance’ and the crew over at Conservative Treehouse: ‘Boris and Donald discuss Brexit and Trade deal’…

According to the White House:

President Donald J. Trump spoke by telephone with Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom earlier today to discuss a wide range of trade and economic issues. Prime Minister Johnson also provided the President with an update on Brexit. The President expressed great enthusiasm for his upcoming meeting with the Prime Minister at the G7 Summit in Biarritz, France. (link)

The G7 is being held August 24th – 26th. The word of a tentative post-Brexit U.S-U.K trade agreement was first released last week. The potential construct has the assembly of mutual benefit and follows a plan previously recommended by President Trump to Prime Minister Theresa May.

Aides to Trump and Johnson are laying the groundwork for an announcement on the issue when they meet on the sidelines of the G-7 summit in France. Such a statement could outline a road map for negotiations and how the two countries envision their future trade ties, the official said.

The timing of it — during the G-7 and at their first meeting — would be intended to demonstrate a united front between the U.S. and the U.K as Trump and Johnson gather with European leaders, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron.

CTH could see the outline of what President Trump had in mind back in 2017. If my suspicions are accurate, it’s a stunning maneuver but also difficult to explain. Think of it like a U.K. version of the NAFTA fatal flaw where Britain is positioned like Mexico/Canada, and the U.S. is positioned like China. There would be massive, beyond stunning, economic up-side for Britain.

Read to compelling conclusion in link below…

Then there’s my favorite UK pundit, the Daily Mail’s Richard Littlejohn who always makes me laugh – Forget Greenland, why doesn’t Donald Trump buy Great Britain?

“The UK and the U.S. share a common language and America’s legal system is based on English common law. The ties that bind are far stronger than any allegiance we are told we owe to an often hostile Continental Europe.

“Trump has only ever offered us friendship, free trade and support for Brexit, unlike our so-called European ‘partners’ who seek to humiliate us at every opportunity. So come on down, Donald. Make us a deal and make it straight. And if anyone doesn’t like it, I’m told Greenland is very nice at this time of year.”[end]

Full hillarious (and truthful) ‘Littlejohn’ linked below…

And on that bright note, time for today’s MAGA Pill – President Donald J. Trump – KAG!


See also yours truly from yesterday: Globalist turmoil from Trump effect

Conservative Treehouse, ‘sundance’: Boris and Donald discuss Brexit and Trade deal

Britain’s Daily Mail : Boris Johnson lays down law to EU, demands Brussels drops plan

Richard Littlejohn, Daily Mail: Forget Greenland – Why doesn’t Donald Trump buy Britain?