Some sobering thoughts on a declining America as a disastrous year slithers away. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. The question remains – Why do people keep supporting a party hell-bent on their destruction? An Alinskyite-Democrat party dissing 85% of Americans…
Losing your insurance, thank a Democrat & The Liar of the Year
Losing your Doctor, thank a Democrat & The Liar of the Year
Paying much higher insurance premiums, thank a Democrat & The Liar of the Year
Forced to buy coverage you don’t need, thank a Democrat & The Liar of the Year
Paying much higher deductibles, thank a Democrat & The Liar of the Year
Losing access to your hospital, thank a Democrat & The Liar of the Year
Paying higher co-pays, thank a Democrat & The Liar of the Year
Medicare services being cut, thank a Democrat & The Liar of the Year
Receiving a lower standard of care, thank a Democrat & The Liar of the Year
Paying higher taxes, thank a Democrat & The Liar of the Year
Only able to find a Part-Time job, thank a Democrat & The Liar of the Year
Losing hours at work, thank a Democrat & The Liar of the Year
Totally losing your job, thank a Democrat & The Liar of the Year
Why do so many hate filled democrats insist on dissing 85% of America.? And especially the Liar of the Year?
John Adams: “Liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people, who have a right, an indisputable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge, I mean the characters and conduct of their rulers.”
PERIOD! Especially The Liar of the Year