Go ahead, make my…
The Big Media outrage and the Shepard Smith ‘fake tirade’ over Trump Jr. meeting with Russian operatives last year has been overblown way beyond belief, as have the notions of impropriety. Go back to the Reagan years when the sainted ‘Lion of the Senate’ Ted Kennedy attempted to undermine a sitting U.S. President via direct, secret contacts with the Soviet regime, while he himself, no less, was a sitting U.S. Senator! Consider, of course, the sanctimonious DemoMarxists never managed to summon any umbrage over that scandal, nor others of a similar nature over the past thirty-plus years.
That said, it must be added that the Trump Jr. team was exceptionally naïve and foolish in accepting the meeting with Ms. Veselnitskaya – they should have known that it was not only intrinsically ill-advised, but that the meeting’s optics were fraught with political risk. In reference to which, at least Trump Jr. admitted to Sean Hannity the other night that in retrospect he would have acted differently. Case closed.

Natalia Veselnitskaya … Ukrainian Russian DemoMarxist plant?
Well not quite. Due to the vast overpopulation of lefties in all forms of media, the messaging of DemoMarxist crime is flushed down the memory hole, but any allegations against the Trump administration is amplified and widely broadcast, day in and day out. Plus the fact that Trump Jr. was not a member of the Administration or campaign team at the time. As a private citizen, he could meet with anyone he damn well felt like meeting with; no laws were broken, while the same cannot be said about Hillary Clinton and her email server.
Frankly, like many others, I’m sick and tired of the witch-hunt against the Trump family. They have committed no crimes. On the other hand, Sheldon Silver, DemoMarxist from NYC, was convicted of crimes, and his conviction was last week thrown out on a technicality! Silver stole from New York State for decades, yet he gets a gentle tap on the shoulder for his efforts. And don’t get me started on Al Sharpton’s $4.5 million tax evasion case which has been dragging on since at least 2014. But I digress.
Brian C. Joondeph has taken up the cudgels of making Jr’s. troubles disappear in his piece today in American Thinker…
While watching the Sunday morning talk shows, I was not surprised to hear little else aside from Donald Trump Jr.’s now famous meetings with a few Russians. Rabid “Trumpophobes”, breathlessly speculating over impeachment, resignation, and treason, had little time to discuss healthcare or much else.
My guess is that nothing will come of all this. Another “wish sandwich.” A recipe of bread of supposed collusion, chicanery, and election hacking, but no real meat, despite the wishes of the media.
As Donald Jr. admitted to Sean Hannity, “In retrospect, I would’ve done things differently.” Fair enough. We all have moments of 20/20 hindsight.
Hillary Clinton might have done things differently too and could be having her coughing fits in the White House rather than in the woods of Westchester County. Like not blaming Benghazi on a video. Or using a private server for her emails. Or soliciting a few less donations to her “foundation.” Or deciding to campaign in Wisconsin. Water under the bridge.
I don’t so much worry about that Server because by now it has been reduced to shredded metal and plastic. The issue that needs to be taken up by the Committees in the House and Senate (and indeed in the DOJ with Attorney General Sessions) is the 1) Clinton/Kaine campaigns COLLUSION with the Ukranian Government; 2) the use of said data that was gathered by the Ukrainian Government via Russia; and 3) paid for with Campaign funds and actually used to smear American citizens working on the Trump Campaign. THIS IS THE REAL COLLUSION STORY OF THE 2016 ELECTION. But again, I digress.
The question swirling around Donald Jr. is whether he and his campaign associates knowingly attempted to collude with a foreign government. Like the way that the Clinton campaign and DNC colluded with the Ukrainian government, but no one seems interested in that story.
The easy way to end all this nonsense is for the new FBI director to follow the playbook of his predecessor James Comey. This would put an end to speculation over Donald Jr.’s now famous meeting.
Quoting from James Comey’s press conference one year ago, the new FBI director Christopher Wray, once confirmed, could exonerate Donald Jr. just as Comey did for Clinton. Remember what Comey said.
Clinton and her team were “extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information” but he said there was no clear evidence they intended to violate the law.
“Although there is evidence of potential violations regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” he said.
“As the Secretary has long said, it was a mistake to use her personal email and she would not do it again. We are glad that this matter is now resolved.”
The precedent has been set. Donald Jr. admits he shouldn’t have met with the Russians. That it was careless. The meeting may have violated some law, but no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case as no information passed from the Kremlin to the Trump campaign. Donald Jr. said he wouldn’t do it again, so the matter is now resolved.
I know, fat chance of this happening, but why not? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
Everything indicates that the whole meeting was a set-up by the DemoMarxists. Also there are no signs that any laws were broken by Trump Jr. This is just another ‘nothingburger’ served by the delusional DemoMarxists.
An even better response would’ve been Trump Jr. at a presser explaining that all they discussed were grandchildren, golf, and the price of tea in China. Case closed.