The Sham that is Hillary Clinton…

En Garde In The Bunker

En Garde In The Bunker

In the whole grand scheme of things in the Billary Benghazi Bluff and Bluster, it doesn’t matter how the establishment spins it since the facts are that both Obama and Clinton ignored Americans’ calls for help as they fought for their lives in Benghazi and then lied to the victims’ families as the coffins were brought home.

I have read and heard several times over the past few days that the Benghazi hearings have evoked sympathy, but I believe that is wishful thinking by Hillary supporters and a clear attempt to shut down any further investigation into the truth.

The only way that the hearing of October 22nd evokes sympathy for Hillary is if the public, along with most of the media, doesn’t care that she and Obama continually lied to protect their political power when they told the public and the families of the people that died that a video caused their deaths when they knew from the start that it was terrorism. It is especially despicable that Obama and Hillary went with the families to receive the bodies and intentionally lied to them about the cause of their death. Contrary to what Hillary has said, the truth does matter.

Or maybe Democrats and most of the media are sexist and don’t believe a powerful woman can handle tough questions.

We are being told that there was no “smoking gun” and she came out unscathed. How big a smoking gun does it have to be? Are the documents not enough that show in her own hand she knew from the start that it was a terrorist attack and not a video?

The hearings were obviously partisan and it is the OBO the Clown Administration, the State Department, the DemoMarxists on the committee, and the media that made them partisan from the start. Forget that they stonewalled for the past three years when there was never any desire to get to the truth. The four people who lost their lives were not important since the only lives that were important were the political lives of Clinton and Obama. It is more than sad that so many at the State Department and White House knew the truth and have been willing to go along to get along.

It is equally pathetic that the media treats the Republicans that were trying to get to the truth as villains and the congenital liars as the victims, when in point of fact the actual victims are the four people that died – plus the video maker who spent some serious time in jail.

Name This Pic...

Name This Pic…

And what about other lives that haven’t mattered: Kate Steinle, who was murdered because officials in San Francisco chose not to follow the law. The Obama Administration, Justice Department, DemoMarxists and most of the media didn’t care about Kate’s life because it just didn’t fit the agenda. The next time any DemoMarxist or people in the media bring up the importance of following laws of the land, let us remind them of sanctuary cities. They apparently care only about laws that they agree with, not their oath to follow the Constitution. Coincidentally, a soldier died in Iraq on October 22nd in obvious combat yet the Pentagon and the Obama Administration will not call it a combat death because it just doesn’t fit with Obama’s policy. How inconvenient. It is similar to calling the Fort Hood shootings by an obvious terrorist “workplace violence”.

It is truly a shame that so many in the media are willing to support someone with such poor character who is willing to lie to families of the deceased. Good character is the most important trait a politician can have and electing a congenital liar like Billary Clinton is something our freedom cannot endure. Let us also remember that in the past there was a guy named Vince Foster who supposedly committed suicide in Ft. Marcy Park in Washington D.C. Funny that, I’m wondering how a left hander could shoot himself in the right side of his head??? And the investigators were all Park Police NOT the FBI. Cover-ups are always funny that way.

The praise of the lamestream media is fleeting and inconsequential, however the emails detailing Billary’s lies will be with her forever into eternity.

More from Yossi Gestetner in today’s American Thinker… 

284px-American_Thinker_logoThe Media narrative coming out from the Benghazi hearings was and still is that Hillary performed well. In other words, ignore the facts that the public learned Thursday about the cover up of a terror attack 50 days before an election and focus on Hillary’s performance. Matt Taibbi went so far as crediting Hillary for not running on stage and hitting Trey Gowdy over the head.

This to me is odd for many reasons:

1) Thousands of people have appeared in front of grilling investigative committees and almost all of them – especially current or former senior government officials – “perform” well. Be it the Watergate investigations, the 9/11 Commission, Plamegate or Iran-Contra. Witnesses are told to sit there, take the abuse, be polite and just wait for it to be over. Hillary did the same. Big whoop.

2) Many times, such as Jack Abramoff a decade ago, witnesses get hammered from both sides of the committee. Hillary however, kept on getting encouragement, praise and reinforcements from the Democrats on the committee. In fact, Chuck Todd said Sunday that only 16 of the 68 questions/commentary from the Democrats were “challenging” to Hillary. The “11 hours of questioning” was actually less than 10 hours; half of which was praise and support that few witnesses get.

3) During the previous hearings, the media praised Hillary when she lost it (“What difference at this point does it make”). Blowing up showed that Hillary has the energy to be in the arena. This time around when Hillary held steady, she gets praised for not losing it. Again, I am not sure when performance at these hearings became relevant. But the Media obviously will praise Hillary for performance regardless how she actually performs.

At this point, just what difference does it make..?

At this point, just what difference does it make..?

4) Hillary’s staff of 5-10 people kept on pushing her notes on almost every question she was asked. Witnesses turn to their counsel here/there during hearings if a question borders on legality. Sometimes they turn to staff for a reminder of a date. But Hillary kept on getting notes from staff on almost every question. This shows that Hillary is shockingly incompetent. She can’t send a fax (proven by her emails); recharge an iPad (proven by her emails); oversee Libya (proven by her emails) or answer Congressional committee questions without ongoing assistance from staff. This is a shocking level of incompetence on Hillary’s part and should reinforce the doubts about her ability to lead a country.

So much focus is put on performance because the media/Dems know that the substance of the committee hearings should be a career-ender; just ask Alberto Gonzales what happened to him for firing 6 US attorneys, or Chris Christie when his staffers closed a bridge. Here we have a cover up of a terror attack. A filmmaker was put behind bars for 11 months to help with this cover up; an arrest which I think even Nixon did not do in his cover up of a burglary.